Monday, 23 January 2017

How to get Google AdSense Approval for your Blog or Website

Each and every people in the world wants to monetize their precious time with the help of various resources either offline or online. If we talk about making money online then not a single person deny the fact that Google AdSense program is one of the best resource for earning handsome money from your Blogs, Websites, Mobile sites, Games, YouTube Videos and site search results etc.

Did you know? It was June 18, 2003 when Google launched advertising monetization program named Google AdSense which has now grown to include over 2 million publishers (including me) who earned more than $7 billion from AdSense in the year, 2012 alone.

Moreover, Indian AdSense Publishers will now get their AdSense earnings directly into their bank account through EFT payment system which has newly available to them with effect from March, 2014.

Now, come to the point that how to get Google AdSense Approval for your Blog or Website. Well! This is one of the frequently asked questions by our readers that why their application get rejected for Google AdSense.

Here is the extract of Email received from by applicant for the subject – “Your AdSense application status”:-

Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we’re unable to accept you into AdSense at this time.”


If someone is already earning from YouTube videos, they may get email like this:-

“Thank you for your interest in expanding your Google AdSense account to implement ad code on your own website. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we’re unable to approve this application for the time being. Your existing AdSense account that allows you to show ads on partner sites is not affected by this disapproval.”

Most of the common reasons/issues for disapproval are:
Site does not comply with Google policies
Site does not comply with the Google AdSense program policies
Insufficient content (as explained in later para)
Site does not adhere to the Webmaster Quality guidelines
If you are one of those applicants whose AdSense application has been rejected again and again then please ask from yourself only one question:-

Why Should Someone visit your Site First?

I am sure you will get your answer and you will get your approved AdSense account thereafter. The good news is that now you will be able to immediate access to your AdSense account once you sign up. That means your website should provide a significant value to the users and it must give them a reason to find it first when searching for topics covered by your website.

How to participate in Google AdSense Program

Actually, there are some basic requirement for eligibility to participate in AdSense online program which has been briefly discussed hereunder:

A) Google Account:
I know that most of you have already Gmail account and if you haven’t then please create a Google account needed to sign in to AdSense. All information regarding acceptance, rejection, payments etc. in relation to AdSense will be mailed to your Gmail account by Google AdSense Team.

You should always be careful while providing your personal details at the time of creating a new Google Account. This is because if you will provide wrong information like Full Name, Age and Address etc. then your application might be rejected by AdSense team.

B) Age Requirement:
In accordance with the AdSense Terms and Conditions, applicants must be at least 18 years of age. Thus, if you are not 18 years old then you will not be able to participate in Google AdSense irrespective of satisfying all other conditions.

In that case there is a simple trick that you may provide your parents or guardian name instead of yours at the time of making application (see the procedure below) while signing up for AdSense Program.

C) Blog or Website:
Yes! If you are running your own website then it is OK otherwise you should have to create one free Blog with to monetize the contents on your Blogger Blogs or Websites. However, if you have more than one blog/site then please provide the address of your best site which comply all conditions mentioned as under.

1) Website/Blog Ownership:

It is compulsory to have your own site or blog so that you can access the HTML source code to place the AdSense Ad Units code which displays Ads on your site. Otherwise your AdSense account shall not be approved on final review made by AdSense team.

It is not mandatory that you must have a custom domain for your blogger blog but I strongly recommend you to purchase a domain preferably top level domain like, and etc. for your blogs.

2) Website/Blog Contents:

Think as an advertiser’s point of view that why you will go for a site which has not quality contents. Remind one thing that AdSense works by crawling the contents of each and every single webpages on your blog/site.

i) Post Quality: I mean every webpage contain enough textual contents to complete the whole story and topic you are willing to s pread online. This will make happy to your blog readers because they gets complete information and answer for which they have visited your site.

Note that you may not fix the length of any post which results quality contents for Google AdSense. However, I personally opines that an article written within 500-800 words is more than enough instead of writing too short post with just 100-150 words.

ii) Post Quantity: If you want to get one short approval for AdSense program then please make sure you post at least 3-5 posts on weekly basis unless and until your blog/site get approved by AdSense Team.

Google has not specified any magic number of posts to be required for AdSense approval. But, in my opinion if your blog have more than 25 good quality articles then your blog is ready for applying for AdSense.

It is the quality and not the quantity of your blog posts which AdSense team consider at the time of reviewing your blog/site for AdSense approval.

iii) Insufficient content: Your webpages should have sufficient text, I mean to say maximum text with complete sentences and paragraphs, not only headlines. This is because if your site contain mostly images and videos then your application will not be approved.

iii) Original Contents: Your site contents must be original and not a copy paste from other website/blog or anywhere else. Therefore, you should not use copyrighted material in any manner on your site. If you are using any copyrighted textual contents, images, videos etc. then it violate AdSense content policy. Some webmasters uses images for their posts either from Search Engine Result Pages (SERPS) or other sites without

iv) Regularly Updated Contents: Suppose someone has posted 50 posts in a single day or week to get approved for AdSense and thereafter not posted a single post within week or even a month.

Thus, please keep updating/posting on your blog on regular basis so that your approved AdSense Account will not disapprove or disable within a short span of time.

3) Website/Blog Age:

To ensure the quality contents and keeping in mind the interest of Google Advertisers, Google AdSense has specified that the Indian and Chinese AdSense Publishers required to have owned their sites for at least 6 months. Accordingly, except India and China, there is no any minimum age obligation for either blogger blog or website to participate in Google AdSense Program.

However, you have to ensure that your website is live and not in a beta mode or  under construction phase before you apply for AdSense Program. Thus, placing ad code on a website which is not fully launched or only consist a website template will not get final approval.

4) Website/Blog Language:

You may write your site or blog in so many languages. However, AdSense Program is not available for all languages including HINDI (supports w.e.f. Dec 2014), Bengali, Gujarati, Panjabi, Telugu, Afrikaans, Irish, Latin etc. and therefore the primary language of your site must be in the AdSense supported languages.

5) Traffic sources:

Your blog/site traffics must come from the genuine sources. In other words, if you got the visitors through Search Engines, Social media and feed subscribers then it is good for the AdSense approval.

But, if you send bulk SMS, Email with your site links or asked your friends/relatives/students at large to daily visit your blog without any interest then it will impact badly on your site. Further, if your blog is not receiving at least 25-30 unique visitors per day then please wait for some time to get more organic traffics on your site and then apply.

I strongly recommend you to sign in to Google Analytics and Webmaster tools which help you to understand your blog/site contents, live visitors, unique page views, and traffic sources in dynamic ways.

D) Non-Google Ads:
You are free to use any third party advertisements on the same blog or webpage for which you are going to apply AdSense Program. In other words, there is no restriction to display Google Ads on your blog having Ads from Infolinks, BuySellAds, Clicksor, Chitika, Amazon Associates, etc.

However, you should make sure that your site does not contain many third party advertisements. This is because your site will looks like advertisement based rather contents based and that type of website does not qualify for AdSense.

E) Apply for AdSense Program:
Now, you are ready to Sign up for AdSense Program. There are two-step application approval process under AdSense program.

1) Sign-up and Place ad units: Google has now made signing process more faster and easier with effect from Thursday, October 08, 2015. So, you may click here to sign up for your AdSense account and get instant access to your AdSense account.

After log in to your AdSense account, you should create and place your first AdSense Ad Units code on your blog/site. If you a blogger user you may use our encode decode tool to convert ad unit code before using on your blogger blog.

Note that this will not display any Ads on your live webpage rather it shows only blank ad units until your will get fully approved AdSense account. Earlier, you would have to wait for some days or weeks for the preliminary checks to verify the information provided at the time of submitting your AdSense application. And after verification of your information (Your Name, Address and Blog/site URL etc.) , you were able to create your first AdSense Ad Unit.

2) Final Approval: Now, you will get response within 24 hours from specialists of Google AdSense Team regarding the final status of your application after you add the code to your site.

However, this process may takes 1-2 days. Did you know? Previously, the same process was completed after  5-7 days. Finally, you will receive an email letting you know that your AdSense account has been approved. Otherwise, you’ll receive an email on your registered Email ID explaining the disapproval reason and the possible next steps that you can take to get approved account.

Once you got fully activated AdSense account, the Google Ads will appears on your approved website/blog and the red bar across the top of AdSense Account will disappear.

This month (May 2016) one of our client got an approved AdSense account for his 8 months blog. Please let me know, if you have got an approved AdSense account recently. Share your own experiences regarding AdSense account approval.

Please, feel free to ask any questions regarding Google AdSense Program through comments or you may directly Contact Sales of Google AdSense support team. Enjoy!

Keep your AdSense Account safe by adhering Program Policies

Google AdSense work together with both AdWords Advertisers as well as AdSense Publishers and they have to keep both of them happy for their online advertising business. Advertisers pays to AdSense and AdSense pays to Publishers after retaining its own share of revenue. As an AdSense Publisher, you are required to abide by the terms and conditions and program policies of Google AdSense. Otherwise, your AdSense account will be disable by Google for the interest of Advertisers and users of your site or blog.

Irrespective of whether you are going to apply for AdSense or you have recently got your account approved i.e. a new AdSense publisher or you are using AdSense for your website since long time, you must have to understand clearly and adhere to all policies of Google AdSense Program updated from time to time. So, let us discuss in brief some of the most commonly violated policies of AdSense Program to keep your account safe from being disabled by Google.

1) Invalid clicks and impressions:

Invalid clicks means a click on Google Ads by anyone without genuine interest. In other words, you should not use deceptive software/tools that automatically generates clicks and impressions. You should also never click on AdSense Ads live on your own site either for testing purpose or for getting URL of advertisers.

Case-1: Mr. John, an AdSense publisher having furniture business sends AdSense Ad unit code through Daily/Monthly Email newsletter to their clients/customers along with product details. He assumes that it does not violate AdSense policy because customer will click on Ads only if he is interested to it.
Answer: Google has stopped AdSense for feeds from December 3rd, 2012. Further, google strictly says in its AdSense Ad placement policy that AdSense code may not be placed in inappropriate places such as pop-ups, emails or software.

Hence, irrespective of users (Customers/clients) interest in ads showing in Email, Mr. John has violated AdSense program policies.

2) Encouraging clicks:

You should never place misleading images beside AdSense Ads or use labels/phrases for Google Ads like “You may Also Like”, or “Recommended for you”, or “Click the Ads”, “Support Us”, “Resources”, “Visit these Links” or “My Favourite Sites” or “Today’s Top Offers” etc.

However, Google allows only two labels viz. “Advertisements” or “Sponsored Links” which may be used to differentiate AdSense Ads from other contents of your blogger blogs or websites. It’s not compulsory to use a title for Google Ads, you may also use CSS margin codes for distinguish it from your sites contents. Make sure you had not format ads that become indistinguishable from the other contents on that page.

You should never encourage either user or any third party by compensating them for clicks/impressions generated through them. Placing AdSense ad unit codes into a floating box is strictly prohibited.

Case-2: Mrs. Lorry have an AdSense enabled website Her husband, a principle of a college, encourage students to visit and clicks on Ads which are useful for them and they are interest in. She thinks that these activities will not be counted as invalid clicks and impressions.

Answer: Google is smart enough to detect unnatural clicks and impressions on AdSense ads by using both automated systems and manual reviews by experts. So, please do not invite and users including your friends and family for visit on your site and encourage them to clicks on Google Ads live on your sites or blogs.

3) Content guidelines:

You should never display AdSense Ads on a webpage which contain harmful and illegal contents for an individual or group in any manner whatsoever.

Make sure your site contents are in AdSense supported languages viz. English, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Italian etc. instead of Hindi (India), Nepali (Nepal), Malay (Malaysia) and Persian etc.

Any webpage of your blog/site shall not display Google ads containing any copyrighted contents/images/files or any material without prior permission from the owner/copyright holder in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Never place AdSense ad unit codes on site that offer fake and identical goods which is trademark/brand of another.

Case-3: Mr. Peter created a BlogSpot blog and posted hundreds of original contents. After one year of AdSense approval he purchased a domain for his blog. Due to lack of time and full time job he started posting news and contents from other websites and at the end of every posts he provides a link back to the original blog/sites. He thinks that he is adhering the AdSense policy.

Answer: Merely giving credit to the original posts will never makes your site contents creative and unique in the eyes of Google. Purchasing a domain does not affect your site for AdSense Policy compliance. Irrespective of having more than hundred original contents on Mr. Peter site, his is not adhering the AdSense Content policy and therefore his AdSense account will be disable immediately by Google once his site is crawled by AdSense crawlers.

4) Traffic sources:

According to Google AdSense policy, an AdSense publisher should not place Google Ads on any webpage that receives traffics from a certain sources. That means you shall be responsible for participating in any services like paid-for-click or click-exchange program or link building services etc.

In other words, site traffics from the Organic sources (search engines) are more reliable than other sources e.g. Direct and referrals.

Case-4: A site owner pays money to an agency which has lots of link building sites. His site traffics increased by 4/5 compare to his previous traffics. After analyzing his site traffics he come to know that traffics from search engines is negligible whereas traffics from referrals is more than 75 per cent of his all traffics.

Answer: The trick applied by the site owner is nothing but treated as buying link building services. Thus, it violates the AdSense policy results disable ad serving to that site or disable AdSense account forever.

5) Ad Placement:

Google AdSense has provided Ad Placement policies so that publishers shall not place AdSense Ad Unit Codes in the HTML of any webpage in a manner which generates accidental clicks and impressions against the interest of AdWords Advertisers and users.

Be careful while at the time of placing Google Ads just below drop down menu or aligning/ closest to the images that mimic ads or Navigation (Pager) buttons or download links/buttons or videos as because it may lead to accidental clicks.
Case-5: A blogger has placed AdSense Ads aligned to the image of every blog posts in such a way that it looks like related to the advertisement. He also enable only display ads (that will display only images/flash and rich media ads and not text ads) for that particular AdSense Ad Unit.

Answer: This practice may increases clicks and AdSense earnings for the publishers at that time or for a month. But, these AdSense earnings are due to accidental clicks and Google treats invalid click activity very seriously. Consequently, AdSense account of that blogger will be disabled to protect AdWords advertisers’ interests. Google immediately stop any due payments/checks and all earnings will be returned to the affected advertisers.

Keep in mind that your online contents is for visitors of your site rather to earn money online through AdSense Program. You have created your blog/site for users and not for only AdSense. Thus, as an AdSense Publisher, you should prevent from each and every activities including invalid clicks and impressions that unnaturally increases an AdWords advertiser’s costs or his/her AdSense earnings.

How to Show a Professional and SEO Navigation Custom 404 Errors Blogger Page

A customized professional and nice looking 404 page provides your readers with a better user experience and prevent them from experiencing unfriendly error messages. I have included lots of options for your users landing on 404 page for better navigation instead of blogger common message.

Live Demo

Navigate Settings tab of your particular blog and click on Search preferences.

Blogger 404Errors Settings Page

Click on Edit text link next to Custom Page Not Found [set] under Errors and redirections heading.

Now, paste these HTML codes into the HTML message box.

  1. div class='SWT-404Errors-Box'><p><b>
  2. 404.</b> That’s an error.</p><p>
  3. <!-- Tutorial at: -->
  4. The requested URL
  5. <script type="text/javascript">var _0xa560=["\x70\x61\x74\x68\x6E\x61\x6D\x65","\x6C\x6F\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E"];var _0xc6f6=[_0xa560[0],_0xa560[1]];var _0xa895=[_0xc6f6[0],_0xc6f6[1]];var swt404ErrorURL=window[_0xa895[1]][_0xa895[0]];
  6. document.write("<b>" + swt404ErrorURL + "</b>");
  7. </script> was not found on <script type="text/javascript">var _0xb875=["\x70\x72\x6F\x74\x6F\x63\x6F\x6C","\x6C\x6F\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E","\x2F\x2F","\x68\x6F\x73\x74"];var _0xf582=[_0xb875[0],_0xb875[1],_0xb875[2],_0xb875[3]];var _0xc922=[_0xf582[0],_0xf582[1],_0xf582[2],_0xf582[3]];var swtBlogURL=window[_0xc922[1]][_0xc922[0]]+_0xc922[2]+window[_0xc922[1]][_0xc922[3]];
  8. document.write("<i>" + swtBlogURL + "</i>");
  9. </script></p><a id='swt-button' href='javascript:history.go(-1)' title='Back'>&#171;
  10. Return </a> to the previous webpage or
  11. <script type="text/javascript">var _0xf049=["\x70\x72\x6F\x74\x6F\x63\x6F\x6C","\x6C\x6F\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E","\x2F\x2F","\x68\x6F\x73\x74"];var _0x396d=[_0xf049[0],_0xf049[1],_0xf049[2],_0xf049[3]];var _0xb2bd=[_0x396d[0],_0x396d[1],_0x396d[2],_0x396d[3]];var swtHomeURL=window[_0xb2bd[1]][_0xb2bd[0]]+_0xb2bd[2]+window[_0xb2bd[1]][_0xb2bd[3]];
  12. document.write("visit our " + " <a id='swt-button' href='" + swtHomeURL + "' target='_self' title='Home Page'>" + "Home Page &#187;</a>");
  13. </script>
  14. <p> You may also <a
  15. href='' title='Contact Us'>notify us</a> for this error.</p>
  16. <p><script>
  17. (function() {
  18. var cx = '011773649581108137979:jrwmq4__zgs';
  19. var gcse = document.createElement('script');
  20. gcse.type = 'text/javascript';
  21. gcse.async = true;
  22. gcse.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') +
  23. '//' + cx;
  24. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
  25. s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s);
  26. })();
  27. </script><gcse:search linkTarget="_self" as_sitesearch="">
  28. </gcse:search></p><style type='text/css'>
  29. html,body{font:15px/22px arial,sans-serif;background:#fff;color:#000;padding:1em} .main-inner .columns {padding:0} .SWT-404Errors-Box {width:100%;height:auto;color:#000;background:#ffff;border:0;margin:1em;padding;1.5em} a#swt-button{display: inline-block;background: #34dbbe; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #34dbbe, #228473); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #34dbbe, #228473); background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #34dbbe, #228473); background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #34dbbe, #228473); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #34dbbe, #228473); -webkit-border-radius: 28; -moz-border-radius: 28; border-radius: 28px; font-family: Arial; color: #ffffff; font-size: 1em; padding: .5em 1em;margin:0.375em; text-decoration: none; -webkit-transition:all .8s ease-in-out; -moz-transition:all .8s ease-in-out; -ms-transition:all .8s ease-in-out; -o-transition:all .8s ease-in-out; transition:all .8s ease-in-out;} a#swt-button:hover { background: #2782d7; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #2782d7, #1b6ebb); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #2782d7, #1b6ebb); background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #2782d7, #1b6ebb); background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #2782d7, #1b6ebb); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #2782d7, #1b6ebb); text-decoration: none; } #navbar-iframe{height:0;visibility:hidden;display:none} .status-msg-border,header,.tabs-outer,.sidebar,.blog-feeds,div.Feed,#blog-pager,footer{display:none;} .status-msg-wrap{top:0;left:0;right:0;clear:both;float:none;text-align:center;margin:7% auto 0;min-width:240px;min-height:320px;width:100%;height:auto;padding:20px 0 10px} .status-msg-wrap a{color:#66c106} .status-msg-bg{background-color:#f1f4ee;/* Tutorial at: */}
  30. </style><p>&#169;
  31. <script type='text/javascript'>var nd = new Date();
  32. var swt_Current_Year = nd.getFullYear();
  33. document.write(swt_Current_Year);
  34. </script><script type="text/javascript">var _0xb5bb=["\x70\x72\x6F\x74\x6F\x63\x6F\x6C","\x6C\x6F\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E","\x2F\x2F","\x68\x6F\x73\x74"];var _0x9fb5=[_0xb5bb[0],_0xb5bb[1],_0xb5bb[2],_0xb5bb[3]];var _0x47c5=[_0x9fb5[0],_0x9fb5[1],_0x9fb5[2],_0x9fb5[3]];var blogURL=window[_0x47c5[1]][_0x47c5[0]]+_0x47c5[2]+window[_0x47c5[1]][_0x47c5[3]];
  35. document.write("<a href='" + blogURL + "' target='_self' title='YourBlogName'>" + "YourBlogName</a>. All Rights Reserve.");
  36. </script>
  37. <span>Powered by:
  38. <a href='' id='blogger' rel='nofollow' target='_self' title='Hosted on Blogger'>Blogger
  39. </a>|<a href='' id='404errors' rel='license' target='_blank' title='Provided by Showeblogin'>Showeblogin
  40. </a></span></p></div>
  41. <!-- Tutorial at: -->

You will need to replace only two things and the rest will work automatically.

1) Find and Replace YourBlogURL (See line 27) with your blogger blog address and YourBlogName (See line 35) with your blogger blog name.
2) Find the URL (See line 15) and change it with your own contact us page. However, if you don’t want notification/message from your visitor then you may delete line 14-15 from the above codes.

Finally, click on save changes and Enjoy! A 404 errors custom page is live on your blog.

To create an effective 404 blog page that can keep your live visitors on your site and help users find the information they’re looking for, I have included the following features into the custom 404 Errors page:

A) Google Custom Search Box:
I have embedded a custom search box on 404 Errors page so that user can easily search whatever they want to get from your blogger blog. The best part of this search box is that the search results will be from your blog address only and not the entire web world.

B) Requested URL:
Your blog visitor will be able to identify the invalid requested URL part of your blogger blog. Hence, it will help your user to type correct URL or choose other option from that page. Your blog address will also be shown there. You may find the same error page details in your Google Analytics account.

C) Return Back:
If your blog visitor wants to go back to the previous page they had come from then he may click on return button on 404 errors page itself. Thus, the return button will help your user to navigate the previously visited webpage.

D) Home Page:
Home page button will get back your live visitor from 404 Custom Error page to your blog home page. Therefore, if your visitor came from other site then this button will help to reduce bounce rate (i.e. the percentage of single-page visits) of your blogger blog.

E) Copyright:
Your Custom Pages for Not Found pages (404 Errors) will also display  © i.e. copyright sign along with latest year, blog name and all rights reserve message automatically.