Showing posts with label google adsence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google adsence. Show all posts

Monday, 23 January 2017

Manage Unmatched Ad Requests to Increase AdSense Earnings

Before we start to manage the unmatched ad requests of Google AdSense, we should have a clear understanding about the meaning and reasons of Unmatched Ad Requests.

What is Unmatched Ad Requests? If an ad request has no targeting type or there are more ad requests than matched requests i.e. coverage is not 100%, you will see an Unmatched Ad Requests in a separate row of your AdSense performance report.

Actually, whenever any webpage of your AdSense approved site loads, an ad request is sent to the Google AdSense to serve advertisements to the specified Ad spaces/slots on that particular webpage. Thereafter, AdSense automatically delivers ads that are targeted to contents or users/audiences of your website.

I noticed that there are mainly three report types in which the unmatched requests displayed viz. (a) Ad types, (b) Bid types and (c) Targeting types. Accordingly, the coverage of the AdSense ads is not 100% in these types of performance reports as a new row for Unmatched Ad Request appears.

Now, the question arise that whether the unmatched ad requests hurt the publishers? Yes! It is crystal clear that AdSense unmatched ad requests have very bad impacts on AdSense earnings of the publishers. This is because your webpage ad spaces are not fully covered by AdSense ads and therefore you got less impressions and clicks resulting less revenue.

How to manage Unmatched Ad Requests of Google AdSense?

I analyse my ad performance for a month and apply some logical tricks to reduce AdSense unmatched ad requests. After doing some A/B testing in my AdSense ad units I got the solution which not only increased my AdSense earnings but also I noticed that my AdSense ad performance report is more informative and accurate than previous months.

I, therefore sharing to all my site readers the main key areas which you should consider to reduce the unmatched ad requests of AdSense. Please fill free to share your own experience which may help me and other AdSense publishers regarding this issue in AdSense performance reports.

1) AdSense Link Units:
Google AdSense link units display a number of topics which are relevant to your website contents and closely targeted to the interests of your users. The number of topics depends on the ad size (Horizontal or Vertical) you choose from ad size option. In horizontal ad size there are four ad topics and in the vertical ad size you will see only three ad topics.

AdSense counts matched ad requests in a different way in case of link units appears on your site. This is why 80-85 per cent of unmatched ad requests occurs due to the way AdSense counts matched requests for ad link units.

Actually, unless your site visitors not click on the topics/terms of the link unit, they would not see any advertisements associated with the respective topics of your link units and it results unmatched ad requests.

In other words, if the audience of your particular webpage doesn’t click, the ad request is considered unmatched i.e. a matched ad request for a link unit is only counted by AdSense if and only if the user clicks on a term in the link unit.

Therefore, I recommend you to remove all link units from your site unless it generates high or potential AdSense revenue in comparison to the other AdSense Ad units of your site. Generally, AdSense link unit best fits for mobile and small ad space available on your website.

As unmatched ad requests displays in a separate row in the AdSense performance report you may ignore while analysing the performance of a particular ad unit or custom channel.

2) AdSense Ad Types:
There are various types of AdSense ads e.g. text ads, image ads, rich media ads, flash ads, animated ads etc. and you may choose what type of ads to be displayed or served on your website. These ad types are however grouped into mainly two categories viz. Text Ads and Display Ads.

Many AdSense publishers preferred any one type of ads (Text Ads or Display Ads) should appears on their site. I don’t know why they would like to see only one type of ads on their webpage. Suppose, if you prefer only text ads then all those advertisers who wants to target for displaying their image/rich media type ads on your site will not be able to bid for your website/blog.

As a result of which either your webpage serve low quality/minimum bidding ads or it may results Unmatched Ad Requests and there will be no ad appears/displayed on your site. Therefore, my highly recommendation for you is that you must choose for both ad types text ads as well as display ads to be served on your site.

How to enable both ad types of Google AdSense Ads:

A) While Creating New AdSense Ad Unit:

Go to my ads tab then click on +New ad unit and then choose both text & display ads under Ad type option as shown in this screenshot.

B) Existing AdSense Ad Unit:

Visit My ads tab in your AdSense account and then click on the Edit ad type text link of your particular Ad unit. Now, just select Text & display ads from the pop-up window appears after click as shown in this screenshot.


3) Allow and Block Ads:
Google AdSense has provided the facility to their publishers to block ads from appearing on their site. In other words, you may choose/decide which advertisement should be displayed on your website.

Accordingly, you may allow or block ads leading to specific URLs or general/sensitive categories of ads in any supported languages from appearing on your site. Additionally, AdSense facilitates their publishers to review all advertisements that appear on their site.

I recommend you to not block unnecessarily any advertisement as because it may help in increasing bid prices and number of targeted ads available for a particular ad unit.

I think this tutorial may help in decreasing the unmatched ad requests appears in your Google AdSense performance report. However, please fill free to ask any question relevant to this tutorial by your precious comments.

15 Ways to Increase CPC Rates for Improving AdSense Earnings

CPC stands for Cost-Per-Click sometimes known as pay-per-click (PPC) i.e. the amount which has to be paid by the advertisers for a single click on their Ads running on your particular webpage. Consequently, it is nothing but the costs incurred by advertisers in one hand and on the other hand it is revenue for Google AdSense Publishers.

You may say that AdSense CPC (cost-per-click) rates will depends on the advertisers bidding (Automatic and Manual) for your site/blog. Accordingly, you have not directly control over the CPC rates and therefore you should have to care about some areas which indirectly helps to increase the CPC rates.

You should also keep in mind that whatever CPC rates you are seeing in your AdSense performance report is not the actual CPC that advertisers are paying for a single click. Actually, it equals to only 68 percent of actual cost-per-click rate. This is because of Google AdSense revenue share (Payments) i.e. Google kept 32% of actual revenue you have earned for displaying ads with AdSense for content. Similarly, for AdSense for search, publishers receive only 51% of the revenue recognized by Google.


Now, the question arises what should be done by the AdSense publishers to increase CPC rates so that their AdSense Ads will fetch for revenue. Based on my personal experience, I am sharing some practical and more genuine guidelines to all of you which may help in increasing your AdSense CPC rates to earn more from Google AdSense.

In my opinion, our ultimate target should be to attract more advertisers to increase tough competition among them resulting more CPC rates they have to pay for appearing on our sites/blogs. However, you may consider following factors that may either directly or indirectly helps to increase your AdSense CPC rates:

1) Link Your AdSense Account with Google Analytics for higher CPC Rates

Yes, this is the latest simple trick I applied last month and got an increased CPC rates reflected in my AdSense performance report. In Google Analytics AdSense report you will find the particular webpage which gets more clicks apart from the sources generating more revenue for your site.

That means you may filter the report to find out which webpage have greater CPC rates in compare to others using MS Excel. Thus, you have to write more contents related to that particular webpage topic which have higher CPC rates. However, if you are not familiar with MS-Excel then hire me at a reasonable cost.

2) Create Custom Channel for Ad Units to increase CPC Rates

This is one of my preferred tips to increase my AdSense CPC. The main reason behind creating custom channel is to get more targeted ads for the webpage of your sites/blogs. More targeted ads means more bidders/advertisers resulting more amount of money they have to budget for paying cost-per-click by them for appearing on particular a webpage.

3) Enable both Image and Text Ads types to get High CPC Rates

Generally, there are five types of AdSense Ads viz. Text, Image, Animated image, Rich media and Flash. All those Ad types are categorized into two types one is Text Ads and another is Display Ads.

I strongly, recommend all of you to enable both Text & Display Ads types for your all AdSense Ad Units. It will increase the number of advertisers to your site ensuing higher CPC rates for them.

4) Use Higher Performing Ad Format to boost CPC rates

We always confuse about the ad sizes to be used on our blog/site so that we get increased AdSense revenue. Actually, it depends on your website layout and Ad slots you have already created for showing AdSense Ads. But, I will recommend all of you to use Leaderboard (728 x 90), Medium (300 x 250) and Large (336 x 280) rectangle, Large skyscraper (300 x 600) and for mobile webpage use mobile banner (320×50).

However, if you are using Responsive Template/Theme for your site or blogger blog then you may try for responsive AdSense Ad format which fits for all Ad spaces on your webpage irrespective of your visitor’s device.

5) Show AdSense Ads in the right place to increase CPC Rates

Well! It is very difficult to find out which place to be used for displaying AdSense Ads that result higher CPC. I opines that you should place at least one AdSense Ad Unit codes above the fold and second one just after/below the post/articles end and last one either on sidebar or footer. Please note that you should never place your all three Ad unit code in one place. Read this tutorial which may help you to find the right place for showing AdSense Ads: Insert AdSense Ad Unit codes in the right place of your Blog.

6) Use only one Advertising Network to increase CPC Rates

There are many online advertising networks like Yahoo! Bing Network Contextual Ads program powered by, Infolinks, Clicksor, BuySell Ads etc. But, you should avoid other advertising networks for better AdSense CPC rates. This is because, advertisers choose the network which costs less for them to appear on your site.

7) Visitors Location and CPC rates

In my opinion the CPC rates also depends on the location of your site users. As AdSense shows the Ads that are related to the users i.e. relevant ads shall come from the advertisers located in their country. And after analysis of my CPC rates for last one year I may conclude that advertisers coming from countries like United States, Canada, Germany, Australia, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Spain, Albania and Iraq are paying more for a single click in compare to other countries like Thailand, Bangladesh, Colombia, France, Tanzania, Turkey, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and India.

8) Utilize AdSense Allow and Block ads facility to get higher CPC Rates

Now, AdSense team has given a wonderful facility named ‘Allow and Block Ads’ for their publishers. Accordingly, you have now the option to choose which particular Ad is to be shown on your site. Blocking Ads will take effects within an hour.

Actually, whenever you block a particular Ad network or Ads, bidders/advertisers are informed immediately the types of ads you don’t wish to see on your website so that they only provide ads relevant to your webpage. This will increase number of bids in real time for your inventory resulting higher CPC rates. Note that blocking Ads may also impact negatively on your ultimate AdSense revenue.

9) Change the Layout of your Site to increase CPC Rates

Every website owner wants to build a site which looks totally different from other site i.e. the blog/site should be unique. Further, they also allot different slot for the AdSense Ads in accordance with their own preferred space. Many of them get confused what should be the layout of their blog that fits for Google AdSense. Google AdSense has provided a standard layout for showing advertisements and therefore you may change the layout of your site accordingly.

According to best practice for ad placement as prescribed by AdSense, the site layouts that highlight content shall be regarded as good example rather the site layout that pushes content below the fold. Thus, you should not place your all three AdSense ads above the fold. This practice may increase CPC rates for Ads that has been placed close to the content that your site visitors/users are interested in.

10) Know Your Customer to get Higher CPC rates

Know your customers/visitors i.e. ask them whether they got the things they are looking for on your site/blog. They are the real key to increase CPC as because more visitors more page views resulting more impressions and bidding price that ultimate increase the CPC rates of your AdSense Ads.

11) Niches and Keywords that affects CPC Rates

You can’t ignore the fact that Google AdSense is mainly for content ads and therefore the niche and topics of your site may impact on the CPC rates of AdSense Ads. Don’t worry you need not search for and buy the highest paying keywords. Just visit your Google Analytics account which has been linked from your Google AdSense account and under Acquisition menu click on Keyword to see the organic keywords used by users to reach your blog/site. Now, you may filter the highest CPC keywords after exporting all keyword report to MS-Excel document.

12) Write Quality Contents to boost CPC Rates

Suppose a site having lots of posts and many visitors but they are getting lowest CPC rates for their AdSense Ads in compare to other site which have not so much visitors and webpages. The reason behind lowest CPC is that the first site is doing copy paste contents from other blog/site rather their own original/creative contents.

Actually, whenever you are posting your article or contents online they are crawled by search engine like Google, Bing/Yahoo and Ask etc. And later on someone has just copy the contents from the original source without giving a credit to them.

Accordingly, most of search engines does not either prefer to index their contents or it may be regarded as low quality contents. And as an advertiser why should you bid for the duplicate contents and therefore it causes lowest CPC rates for the AdSense publishers. Hence, try to give your best for writing original and quality contents for your blog/site so that advertisers bids for getting an Ad slot on your webpage by paying highest CPC rates.

13) CPC Rates depends on your site Domain Name

Domain name of a site is one of the key factors upon which CPC rates may depends. This is because domain name tells the about the contents of your website. So, please choose domain name wisely that relates your site contents and keywords. However, it does not affect CPC rates so much as compared to other factors like quality contents and niche of your site.

14) Use Responsive Template/Theme to increase CPC rates

Yes, you have to accept the facts that now-a-days most of internet users uses their mobile/cell/smart phones and tabs instead of PC (Personal Computer) for searching and browsing the things they are interested in. And as we know that more users more ad impressions that results paying high CPC rates. Therefore, you should use responsive template for your blog or website.

15) Experiment A/B Testing

Sometimes without knowing the effect just do something new as you think fit to increase Google AdSense CPC rate. Finally, it’s upon you to make A/B testing with your sites, AdSense Ads and other factors that impact positively on the CPC rates.

Thus, you do not have to afraid of decreasing your revenue due to lower CPC rates. Just follow the above guidelines and increase your CPC rates. Please don’t forget to share your own personal experience with me and let me know if any of the above tips helps you to get higher AdSense CPC rates.

Analysis of AdSense Revenue with Responsive Screen Resolutions

In this digital world, a biggest change in mobile search results has been made on April 21, 2015 (My First Marriage Anniversary) by the apex authority of online contents i.e. Google. No one can ignore the updates made by Google as it is the world’s most popular search engine with a market share of 65.73 percent ( as of April, 2015. Moreover, it also holds 90+ percentage of global mobile search.

Search Engine Global Market Share

Global Mobile Search Percentage

Did you know? Starting April 21, 2015, this mobile-friendly update will boosts mobile search rankings for webpages which are mobile-friendly i.e. sites which uses responsive template/theme. Thus, if you are not using responsive templates for your sites then you may lose potential customers or visitors.

Despite of the above fact if a webpage contains the high quality content (even it is not mobile-friendly), it could still rank high in SERPs. But, I don’t find any reason for not building your site for mobile users. See the screenshot of increasing trend for live mobile users of my site.

Live Mobile Visitors

From the above screenshot you notice that average 45 percent of visitors comes from high-end mobile devices.

Now come to the point that if you have approved Google AdSense account, you may earn some extra dollars by showing advertisements in your multi-screen websites. I have managed to make all my client’s blog/site responsive and during the implementation, I got some relevant points which may help you to increase your AdSense income.

Accordingly, I am discussing with all of you some relevant points relating to responsive websites and AdSense earnings. So, please read the following AdSense multi-screen strategies and boost your AdSense earnings:

1) Make Your Site Responsive for all device

As I already explained it very clear with all of you that if your site is multi-device supported, you will get at least 1/3 extra visitors for your site. And you know the simple thumb rule that-

More Users = Additional Impressions = Extra Earnings.

To make your website responsive, please analyse your Google Analytics data and choose the proper resolution for your site. It helps you lot to know which screen resolution is used by your site visitors.

Step-1: Login to your Google Analytics account and navigate the Reporting (Top Menu) linked to your website.

Step-2: Click on Technology (Browser & OS) under Audience sidebar menu.

Step-3: On the displayed report you will see the name of browsers used by visitors to your website along with various data in different columns.

Step-4: Click on Screen Resolution from the Primary dimension (see screenshot below) to get screen resolutions of your site users in descending order.

Analytics Screen Resolution Report

Now, you will be able to decide which media screen query should be used to create your site’s responsive template in more effective manner and dynamic ways. However, if you are unable to decide best screen resolution for your website, please contact me for further help.

2) Maximum Allowed AdSense Ads in a Responsive Site

This is very important phase because I personally notice that most of my clients makes mistake unknowingly and they never realise its bad impact on their AdSense earnings. Moreover, it may boost your earnings if followed properly otherwise may result in disabling your AdSense account.

Take an example of a blogger who have a WordPress/Blogger blog. He has started his blogging career by using either a simple or responsive template/theme in his WordPress/BlogSpot blog. After sometime he got his Google AdSense account approved for his site and place the AdSense Ad Unit code into templates.

He know very well that he can only place upto THREE standard ad unit in his site besides up to THREE link units and TWO search boxes. Hence, he can insert upto 8 AdSense Ad unit codes into a single webpage. But, he does not know the fact that only ONE large (i.e. 300×600, 300×1050, 970×250, 750×200 and 580×400 etc.) ad unit is allowed per webpage.

Additionally, he also missed the Ad limit per page for mobile sites. As per Ad implementation policies of Google AdSense, you may not display two or more AdSense ads on the screen at the same time on a mobile site. That means you are not allowed to place more than one standard ad unit for each and every page of your mobile friendly blogs/sites.

In other words, you may insert maximum 1 AdSense for content units, up to 3 link units and up to 2 search boxes in your mobile sites. But, I recommend all of you to place only ONE AdSense for content units and ONE link unit code and ONE search box into your mobile sites. If, you want further clarification make your comments and opinion below.

3) How to show AdSense Ads in your Multi-Screen site

Those website owners who uses separate sites for mobile and desktop users may easily comply with the Ad implementation guidelines of Google AdSense by inserting Ad unit code in accordance with the limit specified. However, if you are using responsive template for your website then you have to make some extra efforts for your mobile optimized (multi-screen) websites.

After the above discussion, I think you are now familiar with the restrictions made by Google AdSense for showing Ads in your mobile sites. Now, with the help of some HTML and CSS codes we will be able to comply the policy of Google AdSense. Here is the step by step guidelines to show AdSense Ads in your mobile supported sites:

Step-1: Login to your AdSense account and create Ad Unit.

Step-2: Paste your AdSense ad unit codes into Ad slot in your site by adding the following div class along with your all AdSense ad unit codes.

<div class="swtads adsformobile">
Replace this line with your AdSense Code
After successful adding the div class your ad codes will looks something like this:

<div class="swtads adsformobile">
<script async src="//"></script>
<ins class="adsbygoogle"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Now, remove the term “adsformobile” from the particular AdSense Ad Unit code which you want to show for your mobile users.

Step-3: Finally paste these CSS codes into your website so that your multi-screen sites will display only one AdSense Ad for mobile visitors.

.swtads{ margin:1em auto;
@media only screen and (max-width:500px){
.adsformobile {display:none}
The above code will add some extra margin below and above Ads and prevent to displaying more than one AdSense ads for mobile visitors. Make your comments below to know more about these codes if you have some query.

4) How to see the AdSense Earning Report for Responsive Sites

After successful inserting AdSense Ad Unit Code into your multi-screen sites, you may now want to know the earnings from all platforms viz. Desktop, Tablets and mobile devices. There are two options to see the earning reports for your responsive sites.

4A) AdSense Earning Report through AdSense Account

Login to your AdSense account and click on Performance report menu from the top. Now, choose Platforms from the drop down options next to the report type as shown in this screenshot.

AdSense Earnings Platforms Report

4B) AdSense Earning Report through Google Analytics Account

The best part of this report is that you will be able to see which particular Webpage, City, screen resolution, Source/Medium, Hostname, Day/Time and Browser etc. is performing well for increasing your AdSense earnings.

Thus, follow these steps to see the detailed reports of AdSense Ads Clicks, revenue, CTR, eCPM, Impressions and page impressions etc. for your responsive websites. Note that to see your AdSense report through Google Analytics account you should have to link your AdSense and Analytics Properties. If you have not yet linked the same, please link the both account or contact me for help.

Step-1: Login to your Google Analytics account

Step-2: Click on the Reporting top menu

Step-3: Now, click on Behavior from the left sidebar menu and then select AdSense Pages under AdSense sub-menu. This will show you which webpage of your site performs well for your AdSense Income. You may also choose Overview or AdSense referrers for your earning reports.

Step-4: Click on All Sessions and click on check box to select any particular session for which you want to see the AdSense earnings and then Apply it.

There are about 21 different sessions available in the Google Analytics account viz. Bounced Sessions, Converters, Direct Traffic, Made a Purchase, Mobile and Tablet Traffic, Mobile Traffic, Multi-session Users, New Users, Non-bounce Sessions, Non-Converters, Organic Traffic, Paid Traffic, Performed Site Search, Referral Traffic, Returning Users, Search Traffic, Sessions with Conversions, Sessions with Transactions, Single Session Users, Tablet and Desktop Traffic and Tablet Traffic.

Most of my clients want to know their AdSense earning reports from the sessions, I already bold the same. But, I personally recommend you to analyse all sessions as because it will help you a lot to make analysis and future decisions for increasing your revenue from AdSense Ads.

Step-5: Click on the AdSense Revenue and select any option to Explore the AdSense earnings accordingly. Through this option you will be able to explore the report of AdSense Ads Clicked, AdSense CTR, AdSense eCPM, AdSense Impressions etc.

Step-6: Click on the Secondary Dimension and select any dimension for which you want to see the earnings report. There are 8 dimensions viz. Acquisition, Advertising, Behavior, Custom Variables, Ecommerce, Social, Time and Users. For better option just click on the check box to display dimensions as alphabetical list.

Hence, you will now see and analyse the AdSense earnings with your responsive screen resolutions.

Display Affiliate Ads or Related Contents to AdBlock Users

If you are regular visitor of my site then you know very well that I pick up a most relevant query from Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) of my users on regular basis. One of my site visitors asked me to show advertisements in his website in case where the AdSense Ads are blocked by Ad Blocking software installed in browsers.

Accordingly, I will today discuss a very hot topic with all of you which may boost your monthly earnings from your websites without affecting user experience and violating AdSense policy.

What is Ad Blocking Software or Browser Extension?

Ad blocking software/ extensions are used to hide or disable automatically all types of advertisements on every web pages including Blogger/ WordPress blogs, YouTube, Facebook and others. Some of most popular ad blocker blocks malware domains, social media buttons and even the tracking system of websites and as companies. Thus, AdBlock makes all commercial communication disappear from webpages.

Well known Ad blocking Google Chrome browser (world’s most widely used) extensions are AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, AdBlock Pro and uBlock Origin etc. Additionally, an increasing trend of blocking ads on High-end mobile devices like Android have also been seen on Firefox and chrome which leads 90% of mobile space and if you are using iOS 9 you will find an option to block ads.

Did you know? Visitors to Gaming, Social Media, Tech/Internet and Education websites are significantly more likely to block Ads in compare to other niche websites like government.
Who are Ad Blockers? Why they block online advertisements?

Visitors of any site who block ads by using different means like VPNs or DNS solutions or Ad blocking plugins are ad blockers. I think the main reason behind hiding or removing advertisements is to protect personal data from being accessed/ misused by websites/ third parties.

Apart from securing private information, an increase in the number of online ads also play a big role behind blocking such annoying text/reach media ads. In other words, people are fed up with lots of advertisements on their screen.

Some ads may be downright dangerous for PC and may slow down the web browsers and therefore people are smart enough to block those ads in front of their face. And moreover, you can’t ignore the fact that most of ads are not relevant to the topics for which the users actually visited the particular blog/site either through organic search results, social media or even directly. Accordingly, they don’t click on that type of digital advertisements.

Loss of Revenue by Website Publishers due to Blocked Advertising

If you are running a blog/website and earning money through online contents on your sites you may losing a significant revenue due to blocked advertisements. As per recent ad blocking report on “The cost of ad blocking” published by PageFair in partnership with Adobe, there are currently 98+ million active adblock users around the world and the global cost of ad blocking is expected to be $41.4 billion by 2016.

Google and are two top and the leading advertising companies on this digital planet and therefore most of website publishers belongs to these companies.

How to see actual Revenue Loss due to Ads blocked on your Sites

It is very difficult to see the actual loss due to ad block users visiting on your websites. However, you may estimate the same through different means and methods. I am giant lover of all products of Google and therefore using Google Analytics to monitor and analyze traffics to my all websites in real time. If you are an AdSense publisher then you may also estimate the revenue loss due to AdBlock users of your site by comparing page views with and without AdSense impressions:

A) Total Pageviews: Google Analytics displayed the total number of pages viewed by all visitors of your site. Note that repeated views of a single page are also counted which is really important for us.

Reporting » Audience » Overview

B) AdSense Publisher Monetized Pageviews: In Google Analytics you easily see the total number of monetized pageviews i.e. webpages where ads from your linked AdSense publisher account is displayed. Note that a single page can have multiple ad units. You will notice that AdSense ads viewed pages are significant less than the total page views.

Reporting » Behavior » Publisher » Overview

C) AdSense Publisher Revenue from Monetized Pageviews: You will also see your AdSense earnings from the monetized pageviews on the same page as stated above.

Hence, you may now calculate pageviews without showing AdSense ads and the estimated loss of earnings as well for any particular period.

Earnings per page view = C/B

Pageviews without AdSense Earnings = A-B

Estimated Loss of AdSense Revenue = Pageviews without AdSense Earnings × Earnings per page view.

I analyzed the data of one of my clients and you don’t believe that he was losing an estimated 37% of his revenue due to ad block users of his WordPress blog. I know it hardly matters for those who does not depends on online incomes but if you blog for living or the only source of income is ad revenue from your sites, you can’t tolerate it right! In fact no one provide you anything for free without any intension behind in this commercial minded world.

What should be strategy for online Earners with respect to Ad Blockers?

Well this is a totally personal decision of each web publisher. Generally, there are mainly five options in front of you as webmaster:

A) Redirect Ad Blockers: Well! Some web publishers believe in redirecting elsewhere to all people who uses ad blocking extensions in their browsers. In other words, you may restrict ad block users to see your online contents with the help of jQuery and JavaScript codes.

In my opinion this is the worst approach followed by website publishers which may affects user experience and decrease traffics to your site. You are showing that your site has been built for advertisements only. Moreover search engine see your pages as it appears for the general people and therefore you may lose organic traffics as well.

B) Ask visitors to whitelist: You may ask your site users politely to whitelist your website. In other words, you may alert your visitors by notification and ask them to disable ad blocking apps for your site. This approach is not so much effective as because who cares about anyone and moreover the first time visitors may leave your site immediately.

C) Demand some dollars: This is another approach where webmasters demand some amount from users to view website without any ads for a particular period or lifetime. However, it may not work for most of publishers as there are many more websites who provide similar contents like your blog/site.

D) Do nothing: In this approach webmasters leave the ad blocked webpages as it is. Oh! You are thinking that any action shall not generate much revenue for them. But, think in a positive way that if ad block users finds your site contents reliable and interesting they may share it on social media and with their friends which results more traffic to your site and it is very possible that you may get a new user who does not use ad blocking software or plugins.

However, some webmasters treat this approach as running a restaurant where say 25% of customers eat amazing costly foods in accordance with their choice but pay nothing.

E) Show Alternate Contents: In today’s scenario this is the most effective approach for website owners. This is because they display alternative contents in the same slot/place of ads which has been blocked by AdBlocking plugins or apps.

How to display Alternative Contents for Ad Block Users?

As I already told that this is most effective ways to deal with ad block users. But, one thing you should not forget that ad blockers actually not willing to see advertisements in your sites. If you are AdSense publisher then you must comply the AdSense policy. Therefore, you should care both advertisers as well as your users while monetizing your online contents on ad blocked webpages.

Moreover, you may find many online tutorials which provides code to display alternate contents for ad block users in the same slot where Google AdSense ads appears. But, you should think twice before using any code to show different ads in place of Google AdSense as most of cases webmasters directly or indirectly modify the AdSense codes which is against the AdSense program policy.

Affiliate Ads or Related Contents to AdBlock Users

Accordingly, I have written this code after taking into account the interest of both users of website publishers as well as Google AdSense program policy. Following are some unique features of this code:

1) This code will wait for 5 seconds after loading all elements of your webpage and thereafter it start functioning to check whether any Ad blocking software installed by users or not.

2) It will not change or modify your AdSense Ad Unit code in any manner and therefore you will fully adhere to the AdSense programme policies.

3) You are free to show either text messages, image banners, affiliate ads, relevant tutorials/posts from any blog/site and anything you like including social media and videos to be appear in your ad container.

4) You have freedom to display these ad banners at any place in accordance with your own choice by placing just a simple div tag.

5) You can place as many as you like the different ad banners or relevant contents which will be shown randomly basis on each ad blocked webpage.

Follow these simple steps to display random alternate contents for ad block users:

Step-1: Copy and paste these JavaScript codes before the closing </body> tag of your website.

window.onload = function(){setTimeout(function(){var swt = document.querySelector("ins.adsbygoogle");if (swt && swt.innerHTML.replace(/\s/g, "").length == 0) {var RandomAdBanners = [

document.getElementById("AdBanner1").innerHTML = RandomAdBanners[Math.floor(RandomAdBanners.length * Math.random())];
document.getElementById("AdBanner2").innerHTML = RandomAdBanners[Math.floor(RandomAdBanners.length * Math.random())];
document.getElementById("AdBanner3").innerHTML = RandomAdBanners[Math.floor(RandomAdBanners.length * Math.random())];
}}, 5000);};
Step-2: Replace YourDirectAd1 to YourDirectAd5 (line number 4 to 8) with your own text message or/and ad banner/affiliate links: Following examples may help you to understand you better for showing alternate contents for your Ad Block users.

Example-1: For Simple Text Message.

Hey! Show your love. Please whitelist or disable AdBloker Plugin/extension for our site.

Example-2: For Affiliate Ads or Direct advertisements

<a href="" title="Earn Money from your Online contents"><img src="" alt="Earn Money Online" width="468" height="90" /></a>

Example-3: Display relevant posts from any webpage including your own site.

<a href="" title="Install Showeblogin Facebook Page Plugin widget in WordPress"><img src="" alt="Earn Money Online" width="300px" height="250px" /></a>

Example-4: For embeding YouTube videos for Ad Block Users

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Example-5: For asking donation or demanding/ charging money from live ad blockers.

Did you enjoyed this post? Say thanks by making a small <a href="" title="Donate Now and Support Us" target="_blank">Donation</a>

I have only given the option to place upto 5 alternative contents/ affiliate ads but you may increase/decrease the number of such direct advertising banners as per your preference. However, if you have not any affiliate or direct advertisement, I strongly recommend you to show posts from your won site as it may reduce bounce rate and increase user experience.

How to Display non-random direct Ads for AdBlock
One of our user asked me through comment that whether it is possible to display non-random ads. Yes! You may show fixed direct Ads. Accordingly, if you want to display non-random or fixed alternative contents to ad blockers in any one or all ad spaces/slots you have to replace the codes which represent the particular ad slot where you want to display non-random affiliate/direct ads.

Suppose you want to display non-random alternative content in only FIRST Ad Slot (AdBanner1) then replace the following codes (line 11)

document.getElementById("AdBanner1").innerHTML = RandomAdBanners[Math.floor(RandomAdBanners.length * Math.random())];

with the following codes

document.getElementById("AdBanner1").innerHTML = "NonRandomAds";

Now, replace the term NonRandomAds with your own alternative contents or direct ads as depicted in the examples given above. Similarly, you may show fixed affiliate or direct ads to all of your ad spaces. If you face any problem then feel free to ask the same through comments below.

Step-3: Finally, you have to place the following div tags where you want to display the direct/affiliate ads:

First Ad Slot: Place <div id="AdBanner1"></div> in the 1st ad space where you want to show your direct ads.

Second Ad Slot: Place <div id="AdBanner2"></div> in the 2nd ad space where you want to show your direct ads.

Third Ad Slot: Place <div id="AdBanner3"></div> in the 3rd ad space where you want to show your direct ads.

Please note that I have limited the Ad Banners up to 3 which is the maximum (Ad limit per page) allowed AdSense for content units on each page.

Insert AdSense Ad Unit codes in the right place of your Blog

One of our clients asked us to choose the right Advertisement slot for their site as because they are not getting the expected AdSense earnings due to low CPC and CPM rate. After completions of site audit, we recommend them appropriate places for their AdSense Ads.

There are so many bloggers and website owners who does not care about the Advertising places that has been allotted by them for AdSense Ads. They only believe in traffics i.e. if there are more traffics to their website they will earn more from AdSense Ads.

But, their opinion shall not be accepted solely as true view. There are lots of other factors which affects AdSense earnings and displaying Ads in the right place is one of them. So, please don’t ignore it. Therefore, read the following guidelines very carefully for making the decision concerning the right place for your AdSense Ads.

A) Create Separate Ad slot for each AdSense Unit:

One of interesting thing I personally noticed on many blogs and websites that they placed their all three AdSense Ad Units codes in a single place. In my opinion they are losing potential AdSense earnings by showing maximum allowed AdSense Ads in one slot.

Note that Google AdSense programme allows only three Ad unit in a single webpage. Thus, my very first recommendation regarding right place for AdSense Ads is that you should never insert all of your three AdSense Ad Unit codes in one slot.

B) Display AdSense Ads in Head Section:

Well, this is the top performing Ad Space which can be utilized to increase clicks as well as CPM. The advertisements in this slot will gets more impressions as it displays at the top of all your site contents. The Ad sizes which will be suitable for the head section of your blog is Leaderboard (728×90) for desktop view and Banner (468×60) for tablets and Mobile Banner (320×50) for mobile templates.

However, it would be preferable for those bloggers and site owners who gets more traffics to their site. I recommend you to use your AdSense Ad Unit code in this slot if your blog gets at least 5-7k unique visitors per day.

With my personal experience, I found that this Ad section has one demerit that it will reduce your CPC rates. I don’t know the exact reason behind that but it may be due to maximum clicks and sometimes clicks without interests. It may receive invalid AdSense clicks or clicks without earnings as it renders top of your blog page.

C) Show AdSense Ads in Header:

This is the most eye catching Ad slot which generates potential AdSense revenue in comparison to the other Ad spaces. There are two Ad Spaces in the header section of your blog viz. Left side and Right side. You may choose one of them to place your AdSense Ad unit in the header section of your blog rest one may be utilised for your blog Logo and description.

Default blogger template does not provide this facility but, however, you may create it with the help of our tutorial named How to add Gadget inside Blogger Blog Header for AdSense Ads .

The best suitable Ad size for this Ad slot will depends on the size of your Ad Space. You may either use Leaderboard (728×90) or Banner (468×60) AdSense Ad Unit for header section of your blog.

D) Place your AdSense Ad Unit Codes in Blog Posts:

Google AdSense is mainly for contents based websites and if your have inserted your AdSense Ad unit codes in between your blog posts then obviously it will fetch more AdSense earnings. You can create three Ad box for your AdSense Ads in every blog posts. The first one is showing AdSense Ads above the title of your blog posts. The second and third ad slot is to displaying AdSense advertisements before the main blog post contents i.e. starting point and placing your AdSense Ad Unit codes at the end of each blog posts respectively.

If you want to insert ad codes above the blog post titles then the suitable ad size shall be 728×90 where as Large Rectangle (336×280) and Medium Rectangle (300×250) would perform better in case you choose second and third ad slots. This tutorial will help you to create and insert AdSense code in blog posts. Increase AdSense Earnings by Showing Ads in All Blogger Pages.

If you are using responsive blogger template then showing AdSense Ads at the beginning of the blogpost contents shall give you a magical positive change in your AdSense earnings. However, if your blog posts contain an image at the starting point of your blog post contents then it would be better to show the AdSense Ads above the blog posts titles.

E) Display AdSense Ads on Sidebar:

Most of blogger add HTML/JavaScript Gadget for inserting AdSense Ad Unit codes on the blogger blog sidebar. You may display either Medium Rectangle (300×250) or Wide Skyscraper (160×600) as size ads on the sidebar for better performance. Nevertheless, you should make sure that it does not looks similar to any other widgets and have some distance above and below from the other widgets contents and it does not in parallel to other AdSense Ads displayed on the blog posts body.

In my personal experience found that Display Ads (Image, Flash and rich media Ads) are performing best for Medium Rectangle (300×250) AdSense Ad size on the sidebar. However, if you have a large sidebar width enough space then, I recommend you to use Portrait (300×1050) AdSense Ad size as it covers all bidders including 300×250 and 160×600 etc.

F) Display AdSense Ads in Footer:

Generally, new blogger avoid this Ad Space but some-times I found it more important to increasing my AdSense earnings by leaps and bounds. The users of any website or blog normally comes at the end of webpage after reading the articles and blog post contents to see if there is any interesting for them and they may found interested Ads running in footer.

The best performing Ad sizes for blog footer is Leaderboard (728×90) but if your blog is responsive then you may use responsive AdSense Ad Unit accordingly.

I again repeat my wordings that just place you AdSense Ads anywhere in your blog and let your users decide which one is best Ad Space for your blog. You should give at least 1 month to decide whether a particular Ad slot is fetching more earnings in comparison to another one.

Increase AdSense Earnings by Showing Ads in All Blogger Pages

It’s not only the traffics to your Blogger Blog but you should also use some tricks and techniques to boost your AdSense earnings and one of those tips is displaying AdSense Ads in all your blogger blog pages. This tutorial will show you the simple technique to increase your AdSense impressions with the same traffics to your blogs.

Most of blogger wants to display their AdSense advertisements either before/above or after/below their blog posts. However, the way they insert their AdSense Unit code does not show Ads on all blogger pages rather it only shows on item pages or Article/posts webpage.

Accordingly, new bloggers losing their 20-25 per cent AdSense impressions or clicks as a result of which they innocently makes less earnings from AdSense than what they deserve to earn from the same traffics to their blogger blog.

So, what are you looking for, just follow these steps and boost your AdSense earnings by showing advertisements on all blogger webpages i.e. Item, Home and Static pages, Archive or Index etc. Additionally, this simple tips will also help you to show the AdSense Ads on Responsive Blogger Template including both Desktop templates view as well as mobile template view of your blogger blog.

A) How to show AdSense Ads above the Blog Post and Page Titles:

If you are not showing AdSense Ads above the webpage title then use this steps and I am sure that your AdSense earnings will drastically increase.

Go to the Template Editor of your blog.

Find ]]></b:skin> and paste the following CSS codes before/above closing ]]></b:skin> tag.

.swt-adsense-ads {/* Added by Showeblogin */
margin:1em auto;
/* SWT Tutorial at */}
Now, find starting <div class='post-outer'> tag. You will see it twice into your blogger template. The first one is for desktop template view and the next i.e. second is for mobile template view. You will have to copy and paste these HTML codes after/below the starting <div class='post-outer'> tag.

<b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost == &quot;true&quot;'>
<div class='swt-adsense-ads'>
AdSense Ad Unit Codes Here
Please do not forget to replace (AdSense Ad Unit Codes Here) with your own AdSense Unit codes.

B) How to show AdSense Ads above or beginning of the Blog Post/page contents/body:


Go to the Template Editor of your blog.

Find ]]></b:skin> and paste the following CSS codes before/above closing ]]></b:skin> tag.

i) To show AdSense Ads on the left side of your blog item contents:

.swt-adsense-ads {/* Added by Showeblogin */
position: relative;
margin:0 10px 10px 0;
/* SWT Tutorial at */}
ii) To show AdSense Ads on the right side of your blog item contents:

.swt-adsense-ads {/* Added by Showeblogin */
position: relative;
margin:0 0 10px 10px;
/* SWT Tutorial at */}
Find closing <data:post.body/> tag and paste the following HTML codes just above/before it. Actually, you will see <data:post.body/> in more than two places into your blogger template, the first one is for Mobile template view and another i.e. second one is for Desktop template view. Thus, paste these codes before/above the first and/or second closing post body tag of your blogger blog.

<b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost == &quot;true&quot;'>
<div class='swt-adsense-ads'>
AdSense Ad Unit Codes Here
Please do not forget to replace (AdSense Ad Unit Codes Here) with your own AdSense Unit codes.

C) How to show AdSense Ads below or at the end of the Blog Post/page contents/body:


If you want to show your AdSense at the end of your blog posts and other blogger webpage then follow Step-1 and Step-2 of heading B as mentioned above and then in step-3 just paste the HTML codes below/after the closing <data:post.body/> tag instead of above/before.

Analysis of AdSense Revenue with Responsive Screen Resolutions

In this digital world, a biggest change in mobile search results has been made on April 21, 2015 (My First Marriage Anniversary) by the apex authority of online contents i.e. Google. No one can ignore the updates made by Google as it is the world’s most popular search engine with a market share of 65.73 percent ( as of April, 2015. Moreover, it also holds 90+ percentage of global mobile search.

Search Engine Global Market Share

Global Mobile Search Percentage

Did you know? Starting April 21, 2015, this mobile-friendly update will boosts mobile search rankings for webpages which are mobile-friendly i.e. sites which uses responsive template/theme. Thus, if you are not using responsive templates for your sites then you may lose potential customers or visitors.

Despite of the above fact if a webpage contains the high quality content (even it is not mobile-friendly), it could still rank high in SERPs. But, I don’t find any reason for not building your site for mobile users. See the screenshot of increasing trend for live mobile users of my site.

Live Mobile Visitors

From the above screenshot you notice that average 45 percent of visitors comes from high-end mobile devices.

Now come to the point that if you have approved Google AdSense account, you may earn some extra dollars by showing advertisements in your multi-screen websites. I have managed to make all my client’s blog/site responsive and during the implementation, I got some relevant points which may help you to increase your AdSense income.

Accordingly, I am discussing with all of you some relevant points relating to responsive websites and AdSense earnings. So, please read the following AdSense multi-screen strategies and boost your AdSense earnings:

1) Make Your Site Responsive for all device

As I already explained it very clear with all of you that if your site is multi-device supported, you will get at least 1/3 extra visitors for your site. And you know the simple thumb rule that-

More Users = Additional Impressions = Extra Earnings.

To make your website responsive, please analyse your Google Analytics data and choose the proper resolution for your site. It helps you lot to know which screen resolution is used by your site visitors.

Step-1: Login to your Google Analytics account and navigate the Reporting (Top Menu) linked to your website.

Step-2: Click on Technology (Browser & OS) under Audience sidebar menu.

Step-3: On the displayed report you will see the name of browsers used by visitors to your website along with various data in different columns.

Step-4: Click on Screen Resolution from the Primary dimension (see screenshot below) to get screen resolutions of your site users in descending order.

Analytics Screen Resolution Report

Now, you will be able to decide which media screen query should be used to create your site’s responsive template in more effective manner and dynamic ways. However, if you are unable to decide best screen resolution for your website, please contact me for further help.

2) Maximum Allowed AdSense Ads in a Responsive Site

This is very important phase because I personally notice that most of my clients makes mistake unknowingly and they never realise its bad impact on their AdSense earnings. Moreover, it may boost your earnings if followed properly otherwise may result in disabling your AdSense account.

Take an example of a blogger who have a WordPress/Blogger blog. He has started his blogging career by using either a simple or responsive template/theme in his WordPress/BlogSpot blog. After sometime he got his Google AdSense account approved for his site and place the AdSense Ad Unit code into templates.

He know very well that he can only place upto THREE standard ad unit in his site besides up to THREE link units and TWO search boxes. Hence, he can insert upto 8 AdSense Ad unit codes into a single webpage. But, he does not know the fact that only ONE large (i.e. 300×600, 300×1050, 970×250, 750×200 and 580×400 etc.) ad unit is allowed per webpage.

Additionally, he also missed the Ad limit per page for mobile sites. As per Ad implementation policies of Google AdSense, you may not display two or more AdSense ads on the screen at the same time on a mobile site. That means you are not allowed to place more than one standard ad unit for each and every page of your mobile friendly blogs/sites.

In other words, you may insert maximum 1 AdSense for content units, up to 3 link units and up to 2 search boxes in your mobile sites. But, I recommend all of you to place only ONE AdSense for content units and ONE link unit code and ONE search box into your mobile sites. If, you want further clarification make your comments and opinion below.

3) How to show AdSense Ads in your Multi-Screen site

Those website owners who uses separate sites for mobile and desktop users may easily comply with the Ad implementation guidelines of Google AdSense by inserting Ad unit code in accordance with the limit specified. However, if you are using responsive template for your website then you have to make some extra efforts for your mobile optimized (multi-screen) websites.

After the above discussion, I think you are now familiar with the restrictions made by Google AdSense for showing Ads in your mobile sites. Now, with the help of some HTML and CSS codes we will be able to comply the policy of Google AdSense. Here is the step by step guidelines to show AdSense Ads in your mobile supported sites:

Step-1: Login to your AdSense account and create Ad Unit.

Step-2: Paste your AdSense ad unit codes into Ad slot in your site by adding the following div class along with your all AdSense ad unit codes.

<div class="swtads adsformobile">
Replace this line with your AdSense Code
After successful adding the div class your ad codes will looks something like this:

<div class="swtads adsformobile">
<script async src="//"></script>
<ins class="adsbygoogle"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Now, remove the term “adsformobile” from the particular AdSense Ad Unit code which you want to show for your mobile users.

Step-3: Finally paste these CSS codes into your website so that your multi-screen sites will display only one AdSense Ad for mobile visitors.

.swtads{ margin:1em auto;
@media only screen and (max-width:500px){
.adsformobile {display:none}
The above code will add some extra margin below and above Ads and prevent to displaying more than one AdSense ads for mobile visitors. Make your comments below to know more about these codes if you have some query.

4) How to see the AdSense Earning Report for Responsive Sites

After successful inserting AdSense Ad Unit Code into your multi-screen sites, you may now want to know the earnings from all platforms viz. Desktop, Tablets and mobile devices. There are two options to see the earning reports for your responsive sites.

4A) AdSense Earning Report through AdSense Account

Login to your AdSense account and click on Performance report menu from the top. Now, choose Platforms from the drop down options next to the report type as shown in this screenshot.

AdSense Earnings Platforms Report

4B) AdSense Earning Report through Google Analytics Account

The best part of this report is that you will be able to see which particular Webpage, City, screen resolution, Source/Medium, Hostname, Day/Time and Browser etc. is performing well for increasing your AdSense earnings.

Thus, follow these steps to see the detailed reports of AdSense Ads Clicks, revenue, CTR, eCPM, Impressions and page impressions etc. for your responsive websites. Note that to see your AdSense report through Google Analytics account you should have to link your AdSense and Analytics Properties. If you have not yet linked the same, please link the both account or contact me for help.

Step-1: Login to your Google Analytics account

Step-2: Click on the Reporting top menu

Step-3: Now, click on Behavior from the left sidebar menu and then select AdSense Pages under AdSense sub-menu. This will show you which webpage of your site performs well for your AdSense Income. You may also choose Overview or AdSense referrers for your earning reports.

Step-4: Click on All Sessions and click on check box to select any particular session for which you want to see the AdSense earnings and then Apply it.

There are about 21 different sessions available in the Google Analytics account viz. Bounced Sessions, Converters, Direct Traffic, Made a Purchase, Mobile and Tablet Traffic, Mobile Traffic, Multi-session Users, New Users, Non-bounce Sessions, Non-Converters, Organic Traffic, Paid Traffic, Performed Site Search, Referral Traffic, Returning Users, Search Traffic, Sessions with Conversions, Sessions with Transactions, Single Session Users, Tablet and Desktop Traffic and Tablet Traffic.

Most of my clients want to know their AdSense earning reports from the sessions, I already bold the same. But, I personally recommend you to analyse all sessions as because it will help you a lot to make analysis and future decisions for increasing your revenue from AdSense Ads.

Step-5: Click on the AdSense Revenue and select any option to Explore the AdSense earnings accordingly. Through this option you will be able to explore the report of AdSense Ads Clicked, AdSense CTR, AdSense eCPM, AdSense Impressions etc.

Step-6: Click on the Secondary Dimension and select any dimension for which you want to see the earnings report. There are 8 dimensions viz. Acquisition, Advertising, Behavior, Custom Variables, Ecommerce, Social, Time and Users. For better option just click on the check box to display dimensions as alphabetical list.

Hence, you will now see and analyse the AdSense earnings with your responsive screen resolutions.

How to change or convert AdSense Ad Codes for BlogSpot Blogs

There are mainly three ways to insert your Google AdSense Ad Code into BlogSpot .com blogs viz. a) Clicking on the “Earnings” tab in your blog dashboard; b) Through AdSense widgets; and c) Adding ad code directly into HTML/JavaScript Gadgets, posts, pages and templates.

As we know that the Google AdSense is fully integrated with Blogger. But, I surprised why my AdSense Ad units code was not showing the Advertisement within my own Google AdSense approved blogger blog itself.

Whenever I tried to insert the ad code directly into blogger template, it results either blank space or showing XML (Extensible Markup Language) and HTML error message like:

When try to Preview Template:

“Could not load template preview: Error parsing XML, line 835, column 15: Attribute name “async” associated with an element type “script” must be followed by the ‘ = ‘ character.”

When try to Save Template:

“Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.”

After scratching my mind half an hour, I come to know the fact that we can’t directly insert Google AdSense Ads code inside the blogger templates through EDIT HTML feature in blogger blog. We have to change the code using a simple trick by just replacing only the three special characters into string text formats:

The left angle bracket (<) replace with (&lt;)

The right angle bracket (>) replace with (&gt;)

The double-quote character (“) replace with (&quot;)

You may however use our one click HTML/JavaScript parser encoder tool to get rid of errors while changing AdSense code for your blog.

Mobile Traffic Monetization with Page-level Ads by AdSense

If you have an approved Google AdSense account and you are searching for different ad format to monetize your responsive website contents, then you should try a new ad format Page-level Ads by AdSense. In other words, you may now use Anchor or Overlay ads and Vignette Ads format besides standard ad size of Google AdSense.

You need to place same Page-level Ad code only once on each page that you want to show the ads and AdSense will automatically show Anchor or Overlay ads and Vignette Ads at optimal times and provide a good experience for your users.

It is a part of AdSense’s next generation ads that are designed to display automatically at the right time and in the right format. Did you know? The best part of Page-level ad is that you will show additional ads on your site that don’t count towards your AdSense per page ad limit. So, get started with AdSense Page-level ads today.

Why should I enable AdSense Page-level Ads?

This is most common question that why should you implement Page-level ad on your website where you have already placed responsive AdSense codes. You will get your answer after reading the features of this new ad format. Google Page-level Ads includes the following two ad formats viz. 1) Anchor/Overlay ads; and 2) Vignette Ads.

1) Anchor or Overlay Ads:
Anchor or Overlay Ads will stick to the edge of your site visitor’s high-end mobile device screen. In other words, these ads serve on mobile optimized webpages only. This Ad format shall not violate AdSense policy of implementing only three ads per webpage.

However, users may easily dismiss the same that means it provide good user experience. Note that the Anchor Ads are shown by AdSense automatically at optimal times to help increase your AdSense earning.

2) Vignette Ads:
Vignette ads are another ad format that appear on the full-screen of your user’s high-end mobile devices between page loads on your site. However, your site users can skip this AdSense ad at any time. This ad format doesn’t count towards your three ads per page limit.

This ad format shall also be shown by AdSense at optimal times to help increase your revenue. To provide best user experience, vignette ads are limited for per user and displayed when the user leaves a page, rather than when they arrive on one, so the user doesn’t have to wait for them to load.

Thus, there are mainly two reasons to implement AdSense Page-level Ads on your responsive site. The best reason is that Page-level ads will be displayed automatically when they’re likely to perform well and provide a good user experience. And the another reason to place Page-level ad on your site is that it should not be counted towards AdSense Ad Unit limit per page policy.

How to set up Page-level Ads by Google AdSense

Follow these simple steps to enable Page-level ads (Overlay and Vignette Ads) to appear on the pages of your mobile optimized site:

Step-1: Sign in to your AdSense account and click on My ads tab.
Step-2: Then click Page-level adsBETA under Content in the sidebar.
Step-3: Now, you may use the controls (toggling the switch) to select which ad formats (Anchor/overlay/Vignette) you’d like to show on your site as shown in this screenshot.

Step-4: Thereafter, just scroll down to section which says Add the code for Page-level ads to your pages. Click on Get code. Now, copy the Page-level ad code and paste it in the <head> tag (or at the top of the body) of your site or the pages where you want to show the ads.

<script async src="//"></script><script>
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
google_ad_client: "ca-pub-xxxxx",
enable_page_level_ads: true

Same Ad Code for every Webpage and Site:
You only need to paste the same Page-level- Ad code everywhere you want to show advertisements irrespective of number of sites you own and webpages of your blog. In other words, the ad code is the same for every page on every site where you want to show Page-level ads.

After you’ve pasted the ad code, you can still make changes to your Page-level ads settings at any time without having to change the ad code. That means you won’t need to change the code even if you adjust your Page-level ads settings.

How to test AdSense Page-level ads on Mobile Optimized Sites

Page-level Ads Preview Tool:
As we know that Page-level Ads will be displayed only at optimal time, the Google AdSense team has provided a facility for testing Page-level Ads on your site. There is simple trick to check whether Overlay Ads and Vignettes Ads are showing on your mobile friendly site.

To check that Page-level ads are working correctly, just add #googleads to the end of the URL of the webpage you have pasted the Ad code. For Example: Visit my site at on your mobile device.

Now, Anchor Ads will be displayed by default on the test screen. You may select another format i.e. Vignettes to test on your mobile phone to preview. To show vignettes ads, you have to click on the highlighted links on webpage. Capable link count shall be displayed on your preview screen.

However, the preview tool won’t highlight any links that contain a “stop” words that are typically navigation related, e.g., Log in or Log out, for which vignette ads aren’t shown. All links on the page that are capable of showing a vignette are marked in purple and outlined. Click on one to see the vignette advertisements.

If preview tool is not working on your device, then it may be due to the following reasons:

a) Place Ad Code: Make sure you’ve placed page-level ad code in the <head> tag on the pages you want to test;
b) Supported Mobiles: You are not using high-ended mobile device. Just refresh the page where you’re testing Page-level ads and it will work perfectly.
c) Portrait Mode View: You may have changed the orientation of your mobile device from portrait to landscape mode. Turning your device back to portrait mode should resolve the issues related to showing vignette ads on your site.

You may read complete guide to testing Page-level ads on your websites.

How to disable specific links from showing vignette Ads

If you want to stop vignette ads from showing on a specific link on your site, you may add data-google-vignette="false" to your anchor tag.

For Example:

<a href="" data-google-vignette="false">Contact Us</a>

How to track Performance of AdSense Page-level Ads

To see the performance of AdSense Page-level advertisements on your mobile optimized sites, just follow these steps:

Step-1: Log in to your AdSense Account.
Step-2: Click on Performance reports tab.
Step-3: Now select Ad behavior report type as shown in this screenshot.

Now, the Page-level ads are shown under the “Anchor/overlays” and “Vignettes” labels in the performance report. If you have any query related to AdSense Page-level Ads, then please feel free to ask the same through comment below. You may share your experience after implementing this new format AdSense ad on your responsive site.

Install Google Publisher Toolbar to Control Live AdSense Ads

It was Thursday, January 19, 2012 when Inside AdSense (Google’s official blog for news, tips and information on AdSense) shared a new Chrome extension called the AdSense Publisher Toolbar. This toolbar is now known as Google Publisher Toolbar because it works not only with AdSense but also displays data from Google Analytics, Doubleclick Ad Exchange and Doubleclick for Publishers.

I always looking for great ways to control over my AdSense advertisements so that it only display more relevant ads for my site users and increase my earnings with genuine impressions and valid clicks. Google Publisher Toolbar is one the best way to control over the live AdSense Ads instantly while browsing your own site.

Firstly, I was totally confused with its name “Toolbar” because after successful installation, a small icon is added to the top right of my Chrome browser next to address bar and there was no toolbar there. However, when I click on that icon and enable Google AdSense I was surprised to see my lifetime earnings from AdSense program in a pop-up along with top performing ad units and sites.

Additionally, you will also be able to see your estimated revenue from AdSense for Today so far (current day), Yesterday (previous day), this Month (current month) and last Month i.e. the previous month.

On that account overlay pop-up, the top 5 custom channels or URL channels (Domains) will be displayed in descending order of revenue. You may change the date range (today, yesterday, 7 days, this month, and last month) by using the drop-downs. Therefore, I strongly recommend all of you who makes money online using AdSense to install this toolbar.

How to Install Google Publisher Toolbar

Step-1: If you have Chrome Browser then open it otherwise firstly install Google Chrome (A fast and free browser for computer, phone and tablets).

Step-2: Visit this page link in your chrome browser for downloading latest version of Google Publisher Toolbar

Step-3: Click on the + Free button on the top right side and thereafter click on Add button from the opened pop-up to confirm new extension.

Step-4: After successful installation, a message “Google Publisher Toolbar has been added to chrome” will appear. You will see a Google Publisher Toolbar icon (a white line graph against a blue background) on the top right corner of your chrome browser.

Step-5: Now, login/sign in to the account (Gmail) associated with your AdSense account and click on that Google Publisher Toolbar icon to Enable the respective services viz. Google AdSense, DoubleClick for publishers, DoubleClick Ad Exchange and Google Analytics.

You will be asked for allowing this app and Google to use your information in accordance with their respective terms of service and privacy policies. Click on Accept button to grant the Google Publisher Toolbar access to your account and enjoy all features of this toolbar.

How to Allow Google Publisher Toolbar in the incognito browsing mode

If you want to access this publisher toolbar while browsing in private (incognito mode) then follow this simple process. From the top right corner on the chrome, click on Chrome menu icon (≡). Now, hover your mouse pointer over More Tools and click on Extensions. Locate the Google Publisher Toolbar and select the checkbox saying Allow in incognito to enjoy this chrome extension in incognito.

How to enable in-site Ad overlays in Google Publisher Toolbar

By default in-site feature is enabled for top websites associated with your currently signed in account. However, you can edit the sites listed there at any time and add the additional domain of the sites you own to authorize to show in-site ad overlays.

To add/edit domain for in-site ad overlay follow these steps:

Step-1: Click on the Publisher Toolbar icon which load your Account Overview.
Step-2: Click gear icon from top right and then from drop-down menu click on sites.
Step-3: Now, you may add or remove domain names of your own sites to authorize to show ad overlays.

Whenever, you visit your site in Google Chrome, you will see in-site ad overlays. Each ad overlay displays information about the AdSense ad of the Ad Unit placed on the particular webpage. You will see the Ad size, advertiser/buyer name and Display URL. However, if you have placed Ad links unit then it will display only the ad unit name.

In other words, the Google Publisher Toolbar adds an overlay to each of your Google AdSense ads, which provides some nice data about the ad, including its size, display URL and the advertiser name.

Clicking on the Google Publisher Toolbar icon generates your Account Overview within a pop-up that provides wonderful informative summary which includes:

1) Estimated AdSense earnings for today, yesterday, this month or last month.
2) The top five channels or top five websites in descending order of revenue for today, yesterday, 7 days, this month and last month.
3) Additionally, if you are browsing your site then it displays Ads on this page with lots of details.


You may click either on colored icon or bullseye to scroll straight to the respective ad on that page. After one click on pop-out icon there you may point out the particular ad unit and second click will load Ad Details window.

Why and How to block unwanted AdSense Ads using Publisher Toolbar

Suppose your site is mainly useful for students and contents are related to study. But, an ad banner of a company (AdWords advertiser) which mainly deals in shoes appears on your educational site. In my opinion it is not relevant ad for an educational blog/site.

To block that unwanted ad, you have to leave your site and sign in to your AdSense account. That means you have to investigate which ad or URL to block under ad review section of Allow & Block ad tab menu.

But, with the help of Google Publisher Toolbar, if you notice that an ad appears on your site which is not relevant for your website contents or users then you may take immediate action to either block that particular ad or ads from specific URL or Google certified ad network as a whole.

Accordingly, follow these simple steps to block unwanted/irrelevant ads while you are browsing your site.

Step-1: Visit your site in Chrome browser.

Step-2: Open Ad Details window by a single click on any particular in-site ad overlay which displays unsuitable ads for your users and you want to block it. The best part is that clicking on the ad overlay generated by this publisher toolbar won’t create invalid clicks.


Step-3: After clicking on any ad overlay on your site, you will see various data on the opened ad details pop-up window related to that particular ad unit viz. Ad size, Ad requests, coverage, RPM, Clicks, buyer name, targeting type, Ad format, display URL and destination URL etc.

Under the ad preview, click the drop-down (Block this ad) and you will have three options to block that advertisement. Select any option to either Block ads for or Block this ad or Block ads from Example Ad Network.

Step-4: Thereafter, click the Block button and once the block has been activated, the ad displays a red Blocked banner.

Remember one thing that blocking any ad will remove that advertiser from auction. That means it will reduce completion for appearing on your site in that ad space. As a result of which your AdSense earnings may be affected.

On the other hand, if you fill that particular ad is not family-safe or is inappropriate then you may also report that from the Ad details window. Just click the Report a problem with this ad drop-down and select the issue that you want to report. You may write any additional comment (if any) and thereafter click on Send to Google support.

You can also export ad details into an HTML file for future reference and use from the “Ad details” window. To export, click Export ad details from the top right corner of Ad details pop-up window.

How to get Google AdSense Approval for your Blog or Website

Each and every people in the world wants to monetize their precious time with the help of various resources either offline or online. If we talk about making money online then not a single person deny the fact that Google AdSense program is one of the best resource for earning handsome money from your Blogs, Websites, Mobile sites, Games, YouTube Videos and site search results etc.

Did you know? It was June 18, 2003 when Google launched advertising monetization program named Google AdSense which has now grown to include over 2 million publishers (including me) who earned more than $7 billion from AdSense in the year, 2012 alone.

Moreover, Indian AdSense Publishers will now get their AdSense earnings directly into their bank account through EFT payment system which has newly available to them with effect from March, 2014.

Now, come to the point that how to get Google AdSense Approval for your Blog or Website. Well! This is one of the frequently asked questions by our readers that why their application get rejected for Google AdSense.

Here is the extract of Email received from by applicant for the subject – “Your AdSense application status”:-

Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we’re unable to accept you into AdSense at this time.”


If someone is already earning from YouTube videos, they may get email like this:-

“Thank you for your interest in expanding your Google AdSense account to implement ad code on your own website. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we’re unable to approve this application for the time being. Your existing AdSense account that allows you to show ads on partner sites is not affected by this disapproval.”

Most of the common reasons/issues for disapproval are:
Site does not comply with Google policies
Site does not comply with the Google AdSense program policies
Insufficient content (as explained in later para)
Site does not adhere to the Webmaster Quality guidelines
If you are one of those applicants whose AdSense application has been rejected again and again then please ask from yourself only one question:-

Why Should Someone visit your Site First?

I am sure you will get your answer and you will get your approved AdSense account thereafter. The good news is that now you will be able to immediate access to your AdSense account once you sign up. That means your website should provide a significant value to the users and it must give them a reason to find it first when searching for topics covered by your website.

How to participate in Google AdSense Program

Actually, there are some basic requirement for eligibility to participate in AdSense online program which has been briefly discussed hereunder:

A) Google Account:
I know that most of you have already Gmail account and if you haven’t then please create a Google account needed to sign in to AdSense. All information regarding acceptance, rejection, payments etc. in relation to AdSense will be mailed to your Gmail account by Google AdSense Team.

You should always be careful while providing your personal details at the time of creating a new Google Account. This is because if you will provide wrong information like Full Name, Age and Address etc. then your application might be rejected by AdSense team.

B) Age Requirement:
In accordance with the AdSense Terms and Conditions, applicants must be at least 18 years of age. Thus, if you are not 18 years old then you will not be able to participate in Google AdSense irrespective of satisfying all other conditions.

In that case there is a simple trick that you may provide your parents or guardian name instead of yours at the time of making application (see the procedure below) while signing up for AdSense Program.

C) Blog or Website:
Yes! If you are running your own website then it is OK otherwise you should have to create one free Blog with to monetize the contents on your Blogger Blogs or Websites. However, if you have more than one blog/site then please provide the address of your best site which comply all conditions mentioned as under.

1) Website/Blog Ownership:

It is compulsory to have your own site or blog so that you can access the HTML source code to place the AdSense Ad Units code which displays Ads on your site. Otherwise your AdSense account shall not be approved on final review made by AdSense team.

It is not mandatory that you must have a custom domain for your blogger blog but I strongly recommend you to purchase a domain preferably top level domain like, and etc. for your blogs.

2) Website/Blog Contents:

Think as an advertiser’s point of view that why you will go for a site which has not quality contents. Remind one thing that AdSense works by crawling the contents of each and every single webpages on your blog/site.

i) Post Quality: I mean every webpage contain enough textual contents to complete the whole story and topic you are willing to s pread online. This will make happy to your blog readers because they gets complete information and answer for which they have visited your site.

Note that you may not fix the length of any post which results quality contents for Google AdSense. However, I personally opines that an article written within 500-800 words is more than enough instead of writing too short post with just 100-150 words.

ii) Post Quantity: If you want to get one short approval for AdSense program then please make sure you post at least 3-5 posts on weekly basis unless and until your blog/site get approved by AdSense Team.

Google has not specified any magic number of posts to be required for AdSense approval. But, in my opinion if your blog have more than 25 good quality articles then your blog is ready for applying for AdSense.

It is the quality and not the quantity of your blog posts which AdSense team consider at the time of reviewing your blog/site for AdSense approval.

iii) Insufficient content: Your webpages should have sufficient text, I mean to say maximum text with complete sentences and paragraphs, not only headlines. This is because if your site contain mostly images and videos then your application will not be approved.

iii) Original Contents: Your site contents must be original and not a copy paste from other website/blog or anywhere else. Therefore, you should not use copyrighted material in any manner on your site. If you are using any copyrighted textual contents, images, videos etc. then it violate AdSense content policy. Some webmasters uses images for their posts either from Search Engine Result Pages (SERPS) or other sites without

iv) Regularly Updated Contents: Suppose someone has posted 50 posts in a single day or week to get approved for AdSense and thereafter not posted a single post within week or even a month.

Thus, please keep updating/posting on your blog on regular basis so that your approved AdSense Account will not disapprove or disable within a short span of time.

3) Website/Blog Age:

To ensure the quality contents and keeping in mind the interest of Google Advertisers, Google AdSense has specified that the Indian and Chinese AdSense Publishers required to have owned their sites for at least 6 months. Accordingly, except India and China, there is no any minimum age obligation for either blogger blog or website to participate in Google AdSense Program.

However, you have to ensure that your website is live and not in a beta mode or  under construction phase before you apply for AdSense Program. Thus, placing ad code on a website which is not fully launched or only consist a website template will not get final approval.

4) Website/Blog Language:

You may write your site or blog in so many languages. However, AdSense Program is not available for all languages including HINDI (supports w.e.f. Dec 2014), Bengali, Gujarati, Panjabi, Telugu, Afrikaans, Irish, Latin etc. and therefore the primary language of your site must be in the AdSense supported languages.

5) Traffic sources:

Your blog/site traffics must come from the genuine sources. In other words, if you got the visitors through Search Engines, Social media and feed subscribers then it is good for the AdSense approval.

But, if you send bulk SMS, Email with your site links or asked your friends/relatives/students at large to daily visit your blog without any interest then it will impact badly on your site. Further, if your blog is not receiving at least 25-30 unique visitors per day then please wait for some time to get more organic traffics on your site and then apply.

I strongly recommend you to sign in to Google Analytics and Webmaster tools which help you to understand your blog/site contents, live visitors, unique page views, and traffic sources in dynamic ways.

D) Non-Google Ads:
You are free to use any third party advertisements on the same blog or webpage for which you are going to apply AdSense Program. In other words, there is no restriction to display Google Ads on your blog having Ads from Infolinks, BuySellAds, Clicksor, Chitika, Amazon Associates, etc.

However, you should make sure that your site does not contain many third party advertisements. This is because your site will looks like advertisement based rather contents based and that type of website does not qualify for AdSense.

E) Apply for AdSense Program:
Now, you are ready to Sign up for AdSense Program. There are two-step application approval process under AdSense program.

1) Sign-up and Place ad units: Google has now made signing process more faster and easier with effect from Thursday, October 08, 2015. So, you may click here to sign up for your AdSense account and get instant access to your AdSense account.

After log in to your AdSense account, you should create and place your first AdSense Ad Units code on your blog/site. If you a blogger user you may use our encode decode tool to convert ad unit code before using on your blogger blog.

Note that this will not display any Ads on your live webpage rather it shows only blank ad units until your will get fully approved AdSense account. Earlier, you would have to wait for some days or weeks for the preliminary checks to verify the information provided at the time of submitting your AdSense application. And after verification of your information (Your Name, Address and Blog/site URL etc.) , you were able to create your first AdSense Ad Unit.

2) Final Approval: Now, you will get response within 24 hours from specialists of Google AdSense Team regarding the final status of your application after you add the code to your site.

However, this process may takes 1-2 days. Did you know? Previously, the same process was completed after  5-7 days. Finally, you will receive an email letting you know that your AdSense account has been approved. Otherwise, you’ll receive an email on your registered Email ID explaining the disapproval reason and the possible next steps that you can take to get approved account.

Once you got fully activated AdSense account, the Google Ads will appears on your approved website/blog and the red bar across the top of AdSense Account will disappear.

This month (May 2016) one of our client got an approved AdSense account for his 8 months blog. Please let me know, if you have got an approved AdSense account recently. Share your own experiences regarding AdSense account approval.

Please, feel free to ask any questions regarding Google AdSense Program through comments or you may directly Contact Sales of Google AdSense support team. Enjoy!