Monday, 23 January 2017

How to Show a Professional and SEO Navigation Custom 404 Errors Blogger Page

A customized professional and nice looking 404 page provides your readers with a better user experience and prevent them from experiencing unfriendly error messages. I have included lots of options for your users landing on 404 page for better navigation instead of blogger common message.

Live Demo

Navigate Settings tab of your particular blog and click on Search preferences.

Blogger 404Errors Settings Page

Click on Edit text link next to Custom Page Not Found [set] under Errors and redirections heading.

Now, paste these HTML codes into the HTML message box.

  1. div class='SWT-404Errors-Box'><p><b>
  2. 404.</b> That’s an error.</p><p>
  3. <!-- Tutorial at: -->
  4. The requested URL
  5. <script type="text/javascript">var _0xa560=["\x70\x61\x74\x68\x6E\x61\x6D\x65","\x6C\x6F\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E"];var _0xc6f6=[_0xa560[0],_0xa560[1]];var _0xa895=[_0xc6f6[0],_0xc6f6[1]];var swt404ErrorURL=window[_0xa895[1]][_0xa895[0]];
  6. document.write("<b>" + swt404ErrorURL + "</b>");
  7. </script> was not found on <script type="text/javascript">var _0xb875=["\x70\x72\x6F\x74\x6F\x63\x6F\x6C","\x6C\x6F\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E","\x2F\x2F","\x68\x6F\x73\x74"];var _0xf582=[_0xb875[0],_0xb875[1],_0xb875[2],_0xb875[3]];var _0xc922=[_0xf582[0],_0xf582[1],_0xf582[2],_0xf582[3]];var swtBlogURL=window[_0xc922[1]][_0xc922[0]]+_0xc922[2]+window[_0xc922[1]][_0xc922[3]];
  8. document.write("<i>" + swtBlogURL + "</i>");
  9. </script></p><a id='swt-button' href='javascript:history.go(-1)' title='Back'>&#171;
  10. Return </a> to the previous webpage or
  11. <script type="text/javascript">var _0xf049=["\x70\x72\x6F\x74\x6F\x63\x6F\x6C","\x6C\x6F\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E","\x2F\x2F","\x68\x6F\x73\x74"];var _0x396d=[_0xf049[0],_0xf049[1],_0xf049[2],_0xf049[3]];var _0xb2bd=[_0x396d[0],_0x396d[1],_0x396d[2],_0x396d[3]];var swtHomeURL=window[_0xb2bd[1]][_0xb2bd[0]]+_0xb2bd[2]+window[_0xb2bd[1]][_0xb2bd[3]];
  12. document.write("visit our " + " <a id='swt-button' href='" + swtHomeURL + "' target='_self' title='Home Page'>" + "Home Page &#187;</a>");
  13. </script>
  14. <p> You may also <a
  15. href='' title='Contact Us'>notify us</a> for this error.</p>
  16. <p><script>
  17. (function() {
  18. var cx = '011773649581108137979:jrwmq4__zgs';
  19. var gcse = document.createElement('script');
  20. gcse.type = 'text/javascript';
  21. gcse.async = true;
  22. gcse.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') +
  23. '//' + cx;
  24. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
  25. s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s);
  26. })();
  27. </script><gcse:search linkTarget="_self" as_sitesearch="">
  28. </gcse:search></p><style type='text/css'>
  29. html,body{font:15px/22px arial,sans-serif;background:#fff;color:#000;padding:1em} .main-inner .columns {padding:0} .SWT-404Errors-Box {width:100%;height:auto;color:#000;background:#ffff;border:0;margin:1em;padding;1.5em} a#swt-button{display: inline-block;background: #34dbbe; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #34dbbe, #228473); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #34dbbe, #228473); background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #34dbbe, #228473); background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #34dbbe, #228473); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #34dbbe, #228473); -webkit-border-radius: 28; -moz-border-radius: 28; border-radius: 28px; font-family: Arial; color: #ffffff; font-size: 1em; padding: .5em 1em;margin:0.375em; text-decoration: none; -webkit-transition:all .8s ease-in-out; -moz-transition:all .8s ease-in-out; -ms-transition:all .8s ease-in-out; -o-transition:all .8s ease-in-out; transition:all .8s ease-in-out;} a#swt-button:hover { background: #2782d7; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #2782d7, #1b6ebb); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #2782d7, #1b6ebb); background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #2782d7, #1b6ebb); background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #2782d7, #1b6ebb); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #2782d7, #1b6ebb); text-decoration: none; } #navbar-iframe{height:0;visibility:hidden;display:none} .status-msg-border,header,.tabs-outer,.sidebar,.blog-feeds,div.Feed,#blog-pager,footer{display:none;} .status-msg-wrap{top:0;left:0;right:0;clear:both;float:none;text-align:center;margin:7% auto 0;min-width:240px;min-height:320px;width:100%;height:auto;padding:20px 0 10px} .status-msg-wrap a{color:#66c106} .status-msg-bg{background-color:#f1f4ee;/* Tutorial at: */}
  30. </style><p>&#169;
  31. <script type='text/javascript'>var nd = new Date();
  32. var swt_Current_Year = nd.getFullYear();
  33. document.write(swt_Current_Year);
  34. </script><script type="text/javascript">var _0xb5bb=["\x70\x72\x6F\x74\x6F\x63\x6F\x6C","\x6C\x6F\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E","\x2F\x2F","\x68\x6F\x73\x74"];var _0x9fb5=[_0xb5bb[0],_0xb5bb[1],_0xb5bb[2],_0xb5bb[3]];var _0x47c5=[_0x9fb5[0],_0x9fb5[1],_0x9fb5[2],_0x9fb5[3]];var blogURL=window[_0x47c5[1]][_0x47c5[0]]+_0x47c5[2]+window[_0x47c5[1]][_0x47c5[3]];
  35. document.write("<a href='" + blogURL + "' target='_self' title='YourBlogName'>" + "YourBlogName</a>. All Rights Reserve.");
  36. </script>
  37. <span>Powered by:
  38. <a href='' id='blogger' rel='nofollow' target='_self' title='Hosted on Blogger'>Blogger
  39. </a>|<a href='' id='404errors' rel='license' target='_blank' title='Provided by Showeblogin'>Showeblogin
  40. </a></span></p></div>
  41. <!-- Tutorial at: -->

You will need to replace only two things and the rest will work automatically.

1) Find and Replace YourBlogURL (See line 27) with your blogger blog address and YourBlogName (See line 35) with your blogger blog name.
2) Find the URL (See line 15) and change it with your own contact us page. However, if you don’t want notification/message from your visitor then you may delete line 14-15 from the above codes.

Finally, click on save changes and Enjoy! A 404 errors custom page is live on your blog.

To create an effective 404 blog page that can keep your live visitors on your site and help users find the information they’re looking for, I have included the following features into the custom 404 Errors page:

A) Google Custom Search Box:
I have embedded a custom search box on 404 Errors page so that user can easily search whatever they want to get from your blogger blog. The best part of this search box is that the search results will be from your blog address only and not the entire web world.

B) Requested URL:
Your blog visitor will be able to identify the invalid requested URL part of your blogger blog. Hence, it will help your user to type correct URL or choose other option from that page. Your blog address will also be shown there. You may find the same error page details in your Google Analytics account.

C) Return Back:
If your blog visitor wants to go back to the previous page they had come from then he may click on return button on 404 errors page itself. Thus, the return button will help your user to navigate the previously visited webpage.

D) Home Page:
Home page button will get back your live visitor from 404 Custom Error page to your blog home page. Therefore, if your visitor came from other site then this button will help to reduce bounce rate (i.e. the percentage of single-page visits) of your blogger blog.

E) Copyright:
Your Custom Pages for Not Found pages (404 Errors) will also display  © i.e. copyright sign along with latest year, blog name and all rights reserve message automatically.

SEO Navigation Custom Pages for Blogger Not Found 404 Errors

Now a days, we are receiving lots of queries through our Contact Us page by our live visitors. And I took one relevant question every Sunday to discuss with all of you. Today, I will discuss about 404 blogger blog pages.

What is 404 errors?

In simple word, you may conclude that a webpage that does not exist on your blog/site commonly known as 404 errors page. That means if someone type a web address like it results to 404 error page on your blog.

Why my blog gets 404 Errors and how can I prevent it

There are many reasons that results 404 errors page on your blogger blog. However, following are most common reasons which generates 404 error pages:

1) Existence of broken links on your blogger blog pages i.e. internal links.
If you are using Google webmaster tool then these links may help you to find out broken links returned when Googlebot attempts to visit a page that doesn’t exist on your blog. To check broken links, just replace my site URL with your own and visit these links.

For Desktop:

For Smartphone:

2) Presence of invalid links
There may be some invalid links of your blog on other’s websites that have links pointing to your blog page that actually does not exist on your blogger blog.

To see which sites are linking to your blog, visit this link by replacing my site URL with your own blog address:

3) Existence of incorrect links
Either within an Email Newsletter/message or within a PDF/word documents i.e. an eBook.

4) Old or Wrong URLs
Typing wrong or old URLs on web browser address bar by your live visitors or a reader navigates to your blog page that’s temporarily down.

5) Deleted or Updated URLs
You may have deleted/ renamed any post/page URL from your blog without redirecting the old URL to a new blog post/page.

I think you have understand the actual meaning of 404 errors and the causes behind these Not Found Pages. Now, the question arises whether it will impact either on your site’s ranking in Google or user experience on your site/blog.

Simply, I opines 404 errors are normal part of any webpage and it does not impact on your site’s ranking and you can safely ignore those broken links. However, it may unnecessarily increase Crawl Errors and indexing wrong URLs of your blog by search engines.

Additionally, it may also impact badly on your user’s experience. This is because your visitors may landed on a 404 “Not found” page on your website and most of them may just surf away from your blog. They may not rely on your blog and therefore the trustworthiness of your blog will decrease accordingly.

Accordingly, you may have two solutions for those types of errors. First one is to find all 404 errors links which is next to impossible because you will never be able to control each and every links to your blog, or resolve all 404 errors listed in Webmaster Tools.

Second solution is to create a custom 404 page for your user and show something relevant to what they were looking for. Therefore, I strongly recommend all of you to not ignore 404 errors and create a useful custom page for Page Not Found (404 Errors) on your blog.

By default blogger displays a generic message on the Page Not Found page that you may see on your blog viz. “Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist”.

If the above message is not shown by your blogger blog, then this may be due to your custom template or theme installed on your blog. To get the default message of blogger 404 errors not found page, follow these simple steps:

Login to your blogger account and go to the Template tab and then click on Edit HTML text menu.


Now, click on jump to widget drop down menu and select Blog1 from the option there. Thereafter click on Format template text button.


Now, you will that your mouse cursor is blinking just before Blog1. Now, search the following terms

<b:includable id='status-message'>

You will see the following default codes. If your blog does not exist these codes then replace the whole lines from <b:includable id=’status-message’> to </b:includable> with the following codes.

<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div class='status-msg-wrap'>
<div class='status-msg-body'>
<div class='status-msg-border'>
<div class='status-msg-bg'>
<div class='status-msg-hidden'><data:navMessage/></div>
<div style='clear: both;'/>



The not found page on Blogger is really boring and unhelpful. It doesn’t encourage your readers to visit other areas of your site or help them find something they are looking for. This tutorial will show you how to edit the content and design to make it more user friendly. If you want to have a look at your 404 not found page, the easiest way to get to it is to type 404 after your URL –

edit 404 not found page on blogger


1. Go to Settings > Search preferences, and click edit under Custom Page Not Found.

Customise 404 page blogger

2. Now you can add any message and HTML that you want, like so

<h2>Sorry, this page could not be found</h2>
<p>Try the search box below to find what you're looking for.</p>

<form id="searchThis" action="/search" style="display: inline; margin: 20px auto;" method="get"><input onfocus="if(this.value==this.defaultValue)this.value='';" value="Search this blog" type="text" id="searchBox" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value=this.defaultValue;" vinput="" name="q" /> <input id="searchButton" value="Go" type="submit" /></form>
custom 404 error not found page blogger


A simple link or a clickable button to direct readers to another page like your contact page.
Some popular blog topics using post labels or create a list of some popular posts.
A newsletter signup/optin..
A search box or social media icons

Want to edit the design to match your blog theme and branding? Here’s how to do that. First let’s take a look at Bloggers default code.

/* Blogger CSS for 404 Page
----------------------------------------------- */
.status-msg-wrap {
    font-size: 110%;
    width: 90%;
    margin: 10px auto;
    position: relative

.status-msg-border {
    border: 1px solid #000;
    filter: alpha(opacity=40);
    -moz-opacity: .4;
    opacity: .4;
    width: 100%;
    position: relative

.status-msg-bg {
    background-color: #ccc;
    opacity: .8;
    filter: alpha(opacity=30);
    -moz-opacity: .8;
    width: 100%;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 1

.status-msg-body {
    text-align: center;
    padding: .3em 0;
    width: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 4

.status-msg-hidden {
    visibility: hidden;
    padding: .3em 0

.status-msg-wrap a {
    padding-left: .4em;
    text-decoration: underline
If there’s certain things you want to change, you’ll need to override it. To do this copy the above code and paste it into the CSS section of your blog (Template > Edit HTML > above ]]></b:skin>) then change the values to suit you.


1. Go into the Template > Edit HTML and find ]]></b:skin>

2. Right above ]]></b:skin> add the following CSS

/* Custom 404 Page by XOMISSE
----------------------------------------------- */
.status-msg-wrap { /* style entire wrapper */ }
.status-msg-body { /* style div around text */ }
.status-msg-border { /* style border */ }
3. To give us a plain starting point we’ll add some CSS as shown below. This will remove the default CSS such as the border, change the background to white, change the width to 100%, remove top spacing and hides the repeat box.

/* Custom 404 Page by XOMISSE
----------------------------------------------- */
.status-msg-border {border: 0;}
.status-msg-body {background-color: #fff;}
.status-msg-wrap {width: 100%; margin: 0px auto;}
.status-msg-bg {background: transparent;}
change 404 error not found page blogger

4. Now you can continue to add to the CSS to suit your overall blog design. If you only want to style the 404 Page and not the breadcrumb “showing posts with label” message then use conditional tags to target only the error page.

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Chitika Ad Reviews : Earning & Payment Methods

Bloggers have many options to monetize their blog. After writing reviews about Adversal, Infolinks, Bidvertiser, I have come up with Chitika Ad reviews. In this article, I will give you an overview of Chitika which is one of the popular alternative ad networks to AdSense. Chitika is a primary non-contextual advertising company. The best thing about Chitika is, it has a low minimum payout threshold. If you are a newbie blogger and have a blog with less traffic, Chitika is going to be one of those premium ad networks which will show quality relevant ads. If you have a high-quality blog, you can earn a great income from Chitika.

Chitika Ad Reviews – A Scam or Legit?

The first question that comes to mind while trying to use any method to monetize the blog is – Is it Scam or Legit? Chitika is a 100% legit company. Chitika is one of the oldest companies in online advertising space. It was founded in 2003. One of my friends is already earning a handsome amount from Chitika and he always gets payment on time. So it is not a scam but a legit company. Now I have also tried Chitika and about to reach the threshold soon. I will share my payment proof soon.

chitika ad reviews

How Chitika Works ?
Chitika can show relevant ads for a site with very few text and lot of video content. For instance, a visitor searched for some special keyword and comes to your website, the ads that appear on your website for this visitor, will be based on what the visitor was searched for. In the case of a direct view of the ad , they may show a blank one or an ad from answered questions dot com. You might already know it if you are a publisher of Chitika. Hence you can imagine if it will show ads relevant to your content, your CTR will be high and you can earn a good income from it.

Also Read: Infolinks Ads Reviews: Easy Way To Earn Money Online

Chitika Ad Reviews: Minimum Criteria to Join Chitika

There are no minimum criteria to join Chitika. Any newbie blogger or blog having less amount of traffic can also apply for Chitika and can get it approved easily. Joining with Chitika is easy as publishers and advertisers from all countries are accepted and there are no restrictions as to the minimum impressions of the site. They do not take much time to approve the account. Once you are approved, all you need to do is create ad zone and place the code in your blog. If you are not so tech-savvy and using WordPress, you can use their WordPress plugin to show Chitika ads on your blog.

You can sign up for Chitika using this link

Chitika Ad Reviews: Different Ad Formats Available

Chitika provides a wide range of ads to use on your blog including mobile ads which are a major requisite on today’s date. Chitika ads can be clubbed into below group

Banner ads — They are standard ad type. Chitika does not show banner ad but they show images with text.
Mobile ads – These days, a huge amount of traffic comes from Smartphones or mobiles. It is mandatory to provide ads that can be easily viewable in the mobile version without degrading the design or performance. Chitika stands by you in this case. These ads are displayed only if your website is viewed from the mobile device. The ads are displayed on depending upon the device, not the site. This means if a user browses your website using mobile device ads will show up. You do not have to create a mobile site for this. Entire mobile traffic of your website will get monetized.
In text ads — Chitika is CPC (Cost Per Click) based on text link ads. You may also have heard about In-Text advertising network such as Infolinks etc.
Hover ads — Hover ads are displayed on the bottom right corner of your website. They remain at that place while the visitor is scrolling down your website.
Highlight ads — Highlight ads get displayed when a user selects some text on your website. It will get displayed below the user selected text area.
Sample Sizes:

Chitika Ad Reviews Ad Types

Creating ads and customizing is very easy. After selecting your preferred ad size you can click on get the code to get the ad codes. You can embed that code to your blog to show ads.

Also Read: Adversal CPM ad Network Reviews – Alternative to Google Adsense

Chitika Payment Terms

As of April 14th, 2015, Chitika’s payment system will require a verified Paypal address for payment.Chitika has low minimum payout threshold. The minimum payment threshold is $10 if the payment method is PayPal.

Compatibility with Google Adsense

The good news here is – Chitika is compatible with Google Adsense. You do not have to make any changes to your Adsense layout nor to Chitika ads to make them work together. They are compatible out of the box. In fact, it is claimed that using Chitika along with Adsense increases earnings.

Also Read: BidVertiser Reviews – Earnings & Payment Methods

Chitika Support

Chitika support is fairly good. The usual response time from Chitika is within 24 hours which is very fast. Furthermore, they have a very good knowledge base

which answers so many questions.

Chitika Ads Reviews: A look at Publisher’s dashboard

Chitika provides a simple and easy platform to publishers to use it. Below snapshot includes the report section provided by Chitika. You can view and even save reports for whatever period you want (7 days, 14 days, 30 days, This Month, Last Month, Custom date). You can uncheck ‘Show Channels’ if you just want to view your earnings.

Chitika Ad Reviews - Publisher dashboard

Chitika Ad Reviews – Pros of Using Chitika

Low eligibility criteria.
Minimum payout is low (just $10)
Suitable for all the niche type.
Approval is easy
Different ad options including mobile types.
Can use alongside Adsense and other ad networks
Search targeted ads ensure that only relevant ads are shown to the visitor
Chitika support countries worldwide with their ad units
Auto-resizing mobile ads make monetizing mobile traffic very easy
Chitika Ad Reviews – Cons of Using Chitika

Shows ad mostly on traffic from search engine.
Less PPC in comparison to AdSense.
Traffic from referrals are not targeted very well and ads are displayed based on your main keyword or title.
Chitika Ad Reviews : Summary

Chitika Details

Network Type: CPC, PPC, CPM Pay-per-call for mobile ads
Chitika CPM, CPC, PPC Advertising Rates and Revenue: Average  $0.30 to $0.60, Highest $3
Minimum Payment Threshold: $10 for PayPal
Payment Frequency: Monthly, NET 30
Statistics Updated: Daily
Website URL:
Also Read: AdsOptimal Review: is It Best CPM Ad Network?? (Sign Up now & get $15 as joining bonus)


At the end of the review, I would recommend giving Chitika a shot. It can be a fairly good choice for people who has product based blogs and also for general websites. Since they scan the search strings that we used to reach the website, they are able to outperform Adsense. Their payout is at 10$. Considering all this, Chitika is a good choice.

You can sign up for Chitika using this link

Simple But Effective Way to Find the High Paying Niches,Topics, Keywords

We all want to target high paying niches or topics on our next articles to increase the income. It is always beneficial if you use Google Adsense or CPM networks, because high paying keywords, topics, and search terms perform well in most of the ad networks. But how to find them?. Let me share a simple but effective way to find the higher paying CPC keywords for Google Adsense. It is highly recommended to consider this point when you write your next article if you are using Adsense. There is no point in getting more and more traffic but your blog’s earnings remain low or not increasing as expected.

I have earlier published a guide about how to increase the CPC (Cost Per Click) in Google Adsense. You may need to use some keyword research tools to find the higher paying keyword in the topic you are going to write. Even Google Adwords (and keyword planner) works very well to identify the good CPC keywords. But these tools including Google keyword Planner may confuse most of the new bloggers and look like a long procedure.

What’s The Simple Way to Find the High Paying Keywords?
It’s by Google search, yes, that’s right.

Doing a simple Google search can indicate the strength (in temrs of CPC cost and advertisers demand) of the particular keyword. Okay, this is not like other tools to show the estimated CPC value in dollars or other currency, but you can get an idea whether the keyword you searched is having potentiality to make money with more advertisers.

How This Helps?
This method will show you whether the particular keyword or search term is having more advertisers, more advertisers means more CPC, that means more money. I have already discussed the way how Google Adsense works and if more advertisers are targeting a particular keyword, then they will bid more and more to get the ad spot.

Here is the Way?
As said, its simple. Go to Google and search for the keyword you are thinking to target. Make sure you are not using any ad blockers in the browser. If you use ad blockers, it will block the Adsense ads on the search result.

Let us take this example, I’m thinking to write about “free mp3 download”. Simply search this keyword and see what’s coming up. Here is the search result of first page form the country I did the search.

no ads on less cpc keywordsNo Ads – means no advertisers, that means no money in this topic.

If Google is not showing any ads (or showing very less ads) on their first search result page, it is the clear indication that this topic/niche is may not profitable. Even if you write about this topic and get thousands of visitors monthly, the Adsense ad quality on these posts will be very less and cheap. Ultimately the CPC from these posts will be very less and your blog will not make considerable amount of income from Adsense.

How About Other Test?

Here is another example, I’m hoping it will be so different than the first example. Let’s think about ‘Windows hosting providers’ as our keyword for research.

more ads in higher cpc

I’m sure you can guess how its working now. The particular keyword shows more (I think the maximum ads on the first page) on Google search first page. More ads means more advertisers are bidding for particular keyword or topic. More advertisers means, definitely it will be higher CPC. If your content/post can show these type of ads, possibly you will be getting good CPC than our earlier example ‘free mp3 download’.

Read Also: How to Get great blog names for your next new blog

What’s Important Here
1) We discussed about higher CPC only, but we are still not aware of how much is the estimated CPC of particular keyword. To find that out, you need to use other keyword research tools like Google Adwords or LongTailPro

2) We identified the potential higher CPC keywords only, but the competition would be higher to target these keywords and get in to Google’s first search result page. To find out the competition strength, you can follow this simple post here.

Final Words
In short, this method would give the initial idea whether you should dig deeper of particular keyword or topic for your next post. The ‘Free mp3 download’ topic can be safely ignored since it doesn’t have enough (or any) advertisers. So, I do not want to waste time on finding more information about this topic, like the estimated CPC, analyzing competition, finding long tail keywords…etc. At the same time, the ‘Windows hosting providers’ keyword had thrown some lights as a potential keyword for my next article. Now I can dig deeper by doing other researches such as the estimated higher CPC, analyzing the competition and finding the long tail keywords. Basically, this method would be the first step you should follow to find your keyword before doing any other researches.

Hope this guide would be helpful, as usual I expect your comments and valuable thoughts.

How Long Takes to Earn First 100 Dollars from Adsense – Simple Calculation

After you have successfully joined the Google Adsense program, the next target for most of us is to reach the payment threshold 100$. When I started blogging and joined Adsense back in 2008, this was the question I asked in so many places on the internet. But I couldn’t find correct answer. 

Even now, it is difficult to predict and confirm the formula to make your first 100 dollars from Adsense. Because the earning from Adsense is completely different for every blog, topic, traffic source and country of the visitors. I have decided to put a simple formula which may give some ideas to understand how long you may take to earn your first 100 dollars.

UPDATE: I’m updating this post almost after 4 years with the learned lessons and the experience.

Below was the my first check from Google Adsense which took quite long time.

How Long Takes to Earn First 100 Dollars from Adsense

In my experience Google Adsense is one of the best program to make money from blogs till you become pro blogger to create your own product or start affiliate marketing. Getting the first payout 100 dollars is the very painful period for any bloggers. It took 29 months to reach 100 dollars in year 2010 for me ( Yes, I had some gaps in my blogging life), but now in 2014 my Adsense earning is far better.

Check my last month October 2014 earnings.

Ok, Lets go to the point. This is just an average calculation with assumption. None of the Adsense publishers are allowed to publish their details stats like RPM, CPC and CTR publicly which is against Google Adsense TOS.

There are three important factors involved in our below calculation which are CTR ( Click Through Rate), Page CPM( Cost Per Mile). RPM is new factor ( Revenue Per Mile), but we are not going to talk about it here. Each factor directly impact the final Adsense Earnings.  We are not considering CTR in this calculation, but I can say if you can increase your current CTR rate, that will boost the final earnings.

So, its all with CPM we are going to take here. Adsense CPM indicates how much you earn from every 1000 page impressions with Adsense ads (no matter how many ads on them)

So, if you earn 5$ from 2500 page impressions, your CPM is,

(5/2500)*1000 = 2$

You earn 2$ from every 1000 impressions.

How Longs Takes to Earn First 100 Dollars From Google Adsense

Here is the point, I can’t tell how much is the best CPM, it completely depends on your blog niche and traffic source.

In my experience and what I read from other blogs, 1.5$ to 2.5$ will be an ordinary CPM currently.

If its less than 1$, then you should improve and concentrate on increasing Google adsense income.

If you are getting around 3$ to 5$ CPM continuously every month, then you doing well, if it is more than 5$, then it is a great CPM rate.

In our case, we will take 2.5$ as average eCPM and to make the calculation easy, we will do it for first 105 dollars.

So, with 2.5$ eCPM to earn 105 dollars, you need 42,000 page impressions.

(1000/2.5)*105 = 42,000

This figure can be less or more for you, because it depends on type visitors, source of traffic and country of origin which make these impressions.

So, lets go to the next step.

When a visitor visits your blog, he or she checks average 1.5 pages on a blog.

To get 42,000 page impressions, you need 28,000 visitors.

(1/1.5) * 70,000 = 28,000

Again, this 28,000 visitors can be from direct, referral, social networking and search engines sources.

Mostly the search engine traffic users (who come from Google, Bing and Yahoo search) will be useful for any CPC programs including Google adsense. Because they are the new users and will possibly click the ads on your website. Your regular visitors and social networking users may not be interested on the ads showing up in your blog.

65% to 75% search engine traffic will be healthy for a blog in my opinion. In this example, we will take 70%.

So, in 28,000 visitors, you need 70% of organic traffic, which is 19,600 visitors

(70/100)*28,000 = 19,600 visitors from Search Engines


Wow, that’s a big number.

Now you can get rough idea based on your average CPM (Also called RPM) and daily search engine traffic to know when you will get the first 100 dollar adsense check.

I have updated few numbers and CPM rates now (compared to previous version of this guide in 2010). Because in my opinion, the potentially of making more money from Google Adsnese has been improved since 2010. There are lot of competitions and bidding among advertisers in Google Adwords market place. That enables bloggers like us to get higher earnings because of higer CPC ( Cost per Click).

If you are getting 100 average daily search engine traffic visitors, then it may take around 6 to 7 months to get your first 100 dollar from adsense.

But one thing, Your blog will not be getting the same 100 daily search engine visitors for next 6 months, it will increase when you update your blog with unique content regularly. So, once you blog properly with correct techniques, then you can reach 19,600 search engine visitors quickly and get your 100 dollars.

Finally, it all depended on your adsense optimization to get high CTR, CPC and CPM, organic traffic and keyword selection. But to know these techniques, it will take some time for new bloggers.

If you think this calculation is wrong, feel free to share the reason. Still if somebody is not making any money from adsense after this much traffic, the contact me. I will try to help you.

Have a nice blogging.